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Introducing of teacher Md. Ealias Sarker Id no-14,Assistant teacher[English] Nalgaon High School Kapasia,Gazipur.
Class identity Class-Nine Section-B
Introducing of lesson Unit- three Events and festivals Lesson-One Mother’s Day
Learning outcomes After studied this lesson, the students will be able to- 1.Talk about events and festivals. 2.Ask and answer questions and give opinions in a logical sequence. 3.Infer meanings from the context.
What kind of picture this?
Group work How is Mother’s Day usually observed?
Evaluation 1.What country first observed Mother’s Day as a national holiday? 2.When is Mother’s Day now celebrated by most of the countries in the world? 3.Why should we observe Mother’s Day?
Home work 1.Do you help your mother with her housework? How? 2.Do you celebrate Mother’s Day? If yes, when and how?
Thanks to all