Alpine landscapes Made by Elena and Miriam.
Índex o In which areas we found these landscape. o Which tipes of vegetation we found on the highest peaks. o What tipes of mammal species we found in alpine landscapes.
In which areas we found these Landscapes. This type of landscape is common in highland areas, such as the Pyrenees, Cordillera Cantábrica and the Sistemas Béticos. These areas usually have a mountain climate.
Which types of vegetation we found on the highest peaks. On the highest peaks, there isn´t a lot of vegetation. We find mostly grasslands and low bushes. On mountain slopes, we can find evergreen forest with pine and fir trees. There are also some decidious trees, like chestnuts and oaks.
What types of mammal species we found in Alpine landscape. The most significant mammals species in Spain´s alpine landscapes are roe deer, chamoist, mouflon and mountain goats. We also find birds of prey, such as the Griffon vulture, Imperial eagle and the famous bearded vulture, or quebrantahuesos.
Credits Written and created by Elena and Miriam.