+ Are they insects? Webquest Adapted by Ms. Chew ly/monarch.htm Butterflies
+ Introduction : Is a butterfly an insect? Is a butterfly the same as a moth? Do butterflies live everywhere in the world? Learn fascinating facts about one of nature's most colorful creatures, BUTTERFLIES! IntroductionIntroduction | Task | Process | Resources | Evaluation | ConclusionTaskProcessResourcesEvaluationConclusion
+ Task The Task : Read to find and record information about butterflies using the internet. Use the information recorded to draw and label parts of a butterfly. Learn words related to butterflies. Compare a butterfly and moth using a graphic organizer.
+ Process The Process : At the computer: Read all directions before you click. Click on and print out questions at Zoom Butterflies (questions are located in Classroom Activities, (Find it! in Zoom Butterflies.) Record information to complete questions.Zoom Butterflies Using information from Zoom Butterflies Web Site, students may use a draw program (ex. Kid Pix Deluxe or Easy Color Paint,) to draw and label the following parts of the butterfly: head, legs, abdomen, thorax, antenna, compound eye, and wing. Print out Butterfly Organizer and Moth Organizer and write facts about both butterflies and moths using the information from Zoom Butterfly Web Site.ButterflyMoth Using a Microsoft Word students type butterfly poem.
+ In the classroom In the classroom : Students share butterfly poem with class. Watch Butterfly video:
+ Resources Resources : Butterfly video Butterflies & Bugs Zoom Butterflies
+ Evaluation Evaluation : Students are evaluated on the facts listed on the graphic organizers and discussions on characteristics of butterflies.
+ Conclusion Conclusion : Upon completion of this project, students will be able to identify parts of a butterfly, characteristics (diet, habitat, defense mechanisms, etc...) of both butterfly and moth. Butterfly or Moth?