CLICKER TIME! Are you up on your TRASH TALK?
Per capita, the U.S. is the world’s largest producer of 1. Automobiles 2. Computers 3. Trash talk 4. Air pollution 5. Solid waste 6. College diplomas
Which would represent the majority of solid waste in municipal landfills the best Which would represent the majority of solid waste in municipal landfills the best 1. Teenage ninja mutant turtles fruit snacks 2. Plastic Barbie dream houses 3. Sudoku puzzle books 4. Matchbox cars 5. Lincoln logs
Which is not true about sanitary landfills: 1. Those containing organics have potential to explode 2. They all have plastic and clay liners 3. They all produce leachate 4. They help to control vermin, odors and spread of diseases
For how many years does the EPA require a sanitary landfill owner to continuously monitor the landfill after it closes: 1. 5 years years years years years
Only combustible solid waste can be burned in 1. Modular incinerators 2. Refuse-derived fuel incinerators 3. Mass burn incinerators 4. Waste to energy incinerators
Which of the following would be considered most toxic 1. Bottom ash 2. Fly ash 3. Cigarette ash 4. Campfire ash
What percentage of MSW is considered toxic/hazardous? 1. 1% 2. 5% 3. 20% 4. 35% %
Which is of most concern with phytoremediation? 1. Water table too high for roots to reach 2. Plants may create a new ecosystem on a waste site 3. Plants may recycle contaminants into the food chain 4. Cost may be too high
Reducing solvent emissions,, substituting a less hazardous water-based solvent for a chlorinated solvent, and using smaller amounts of chlorinated solvents are all examples of 1. Bioremediation 2. Green chemistry 3. Source reduction 4. Dioxins
Which of the following bans the export of hazardous waste from industrialized to developing countries 1. CERCLA 2. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) 3. RCRA 4. Basal Convention