Rant Quiz 1)The economic theory of _______________ held that all countries were in competition to acquire the most gold and silver. 2)What was the name of the series of laws passed in 1651 meant to enforce mercantilism? 3)Describe any one of the Navigation Acts. 4)Who was selected to rule the Dominion of New England? 5)Although England strengthened the Navigation Acts on paper, the enforcement of these laws were weakened by the policy of ___________ ____________.
The Colonial Role in the Mercantile System ( ): A Tradition of Neglect
The Colonial Economic Model During the 16 th and 17 th centuries, the countries of E______ competed for wealth and power. A new economic theory, called M__________, evolved from this competition. The theory of M__________ believed that a country could increase its wealth through: 1) obtaining g____ and s____ and 2) having a favorable b________ of t_____. Colonies could help the mother country gain a favorable balance of trade by providing r___ m________ and m________ for goods without giving money to their enemies. urope ercantilism radealance ilver old arkets aterialsaw
Enforcing Mercantilism Any system of trade needs l____, or regulations, to make it work effectively. The English P________, the country’s law-making body, began to make laws enforcing mercantilism as early as 16___. A series of laws known as the N__________ A____ were passed to strictly control colonial trading practices. Some N________ A____ included: 1.Trade from the colonies could only pass on E______ ships. 2.___% of the crew on trading ships had to be English. 3.Certain products (Enumerated goods) could only be traded with England. 4.All trade to the colonies had to pass through English p_____ first. arliment nglish 51 cts avigation aws avigation cts orts 75
Resisting the Mercantile System How might these regulations hurt the Colonists? Resentful of the trade regulations, many colonial merchants became to break these rules by s_________ goods or refusing to p__ new taxes. M____________ became a center of early colonial resistance. They claimed that their system of self- government and charter did not require them to follow the rules of P__________. In 1684, King of England revoked the ch_____ and in 1685 the D_______ of New England was created. King James II appointed Sir E_______ A______ to aggressively enforce the Navigation Acts from Massachusetts to New Jersey. ndrosdmund ominion arter arliment asschusetts aymuggling
A Tradition of Neglect E______ A_____ created tension between the colonists and the mother country. When J_____ II was overthrown in England, so was his friend Andros in the colonies and the Dominion fell. Responding to the problems of enforcing m_________, many members of Parliament advocated for a policy of s_______ n_______. This policy informally ended the st_____ enforcement of the N___________ A____ on the colonists. What might be the benefits of salutary neglect? dmundndros ames eglect alutory ercantilism rict ctsavigation