~事が好きです。.  (thing) が好きです。 Means you like (thing).  E.g. テニスが好きです。


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Presentation transcript:


 (thing) が好きです。 Means you like (thing).  E.g. テニスが好きです。

What if you want to say you like to play tennis? or I like eating chocolate for breakfast on Sundays? How do we stick the verb in the sentence???

 plain verb +事が好きです。  テニスをする事が好きです。  日曜日の朝ご飯にチョコレートを食べる 事が好きです。

 You can use this to say you love (大好 き), dislike (好きじゃない) and hate (きらい) to do something.  You can also use こと with other abilities such as good at (上手・とくい) and bad at (下手・にがて)

 Mariko likes reading the newspaper every morning.  Yumiko likes learning English.  Hisao doesn’t like writing letters.  Rika likes swimming in the pool.  Tomoko likes watching rugby.  Akira doesn’t like playing squash.  Mizue isn’t good at speaking German.  Airi is good at cooking cakes.