Dealing with the Elephant in the Room PRESENTED TO
Definition Elephant in the Room Important and obvious topic which everyone present is aware of but doesn’t feel comfortable discussing. The term is used to describe an issue that involves a social taboo, such as race, religion, or even suicide.
The Origination of the Phrase Began in early 1950’s People compare it to the line “Emperors New Clothes” First public record of the phrase was in The New York Times as a simile – "Financing schools has become a problem about equal to having an elephant in the living room. It's so big you just can't ignore it.”- June 20th, 1959
Why Elephants Are Hard to Confront Their usually sheer size has a controlling and intimidating effect on people It is easier to avoid the problem We don’t know how to react to the elephant We’re trained to be linear thinkers Our own personal history
How to Deal With Your Elephant in the Room Acknowledge it is there All you can think about is the chocolate bar in the cupboard Remind them of the old saying: “ Whatever you do, DO NOT think about the elephant in the room”
Business Personal What are your Elephants?
Deal With Them Head On Don’t pretend they are not there As more elephants are ignored, the culture becomes stifled The elephant can represent progress, growth, improvement, change and accountability When dealt with debate and conflict are out in the open Ideas move faster and problems are flushed out
Tact and Empathy What is the other person(s) thinking? Feeling? View point? How might the other person take what you are saying? Be confident Its important to discuss – remember ultimately this will bring you to a better place Watch others do it well “Kill a bee with honey”
What is Off Limits Not everything has to be discussed. What are your topics that are off limits? Everyone is different. Cultures, Ages, Gender, Race all play a part in what is off limits.
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