Black bears live for 25 year. Black bears is a mammal. Black bears also eat roots, insects and grasses.
BLACK BEARS CHARACTERISTICS Black bears have small eye, 4to7 feet tall,round ears and short tail. Black bears weight about 350 pound and they has blue and gray fur.
BLACK BEARS DIET AND HABITAT Black bears eat leaves, fruits, berries, nut and honey. Black bears live in forests, swamp, mountains and cave. They are found in Virginians.
BLACK BEARS ADAPTATION Black bears have thick fur to keep them warm. Black bears hibernate and their heart beat slows.
Winnie the pooh was name after a black bears name Winnipeg that was at the London zoo in black bears have brown cub and brown color bears have black cub.
Black bears are endangered because people cut down tree in the forest.
So that is all about black bears and I hope you like it. I like learning black.