Australians at war Focus: the Vietnam war
analysis When a viewer first looks at the picture, their eyes are drawn to the focal point of the image which is the text. The comment reads “which picture would your father like to show his friends” and it portrays that the majority of men that don’t got to war are sitting around all day relaxing. Which is definitely not the case, during wars a lot of images tend to promote war and glorify it, so that young men get drawn in to representing their country when what they don’t know is that the images don’t show the terror and horror that comes hand in hand with war. So really the young men don’t have a clear idea of what they are heading into, so governments design these adds to get more men for bigger masses of armies. In my opinion this represents Australia in a negative respect as it shows them as trying to draw in these men to support them without letting them know what war is really like. Nevertheless Australia is trying to help fight a war and they need men for it, so if this form of advertisement does bring in men by laying guilt on them by saying “ if you don’t go to war you are lazy” then it is a successful advertising strategy just not one with the best form or moral.
Analysis (cont) In my opinion this represents Australia in a negative respect as it shows them as trying to draw in these men to support them without letting them know what war is really like. Nevertheless Australia is trying to help fight a war and they need men for it, so if this form of advertisement does bring in men by laying guilt on them by saying “ if you don’t go to war you are lazy” then it is a successful advertising strategy just not one with the best form or moral.