Participatory groundwater monitoring Questions for Discussion
Points for discussion Should farmers be punished if they grow non recommended crops?
How to involve dry land farmers in crop water budgeting? What else can be suggested to farmers, apart from alternate crops? Eg. Irrigation methods? Points for discussion
How can we promote good marketing strategies? How to conduct crop water budgeting in large sub-basins? Points for discussion
Can there be other common activities, apart from crop water budgeting? How to address gender equity in CWB workshop? How to delineate recharge-discharge areas, using results of crop water budgetting? Points for discussion
Which is more effective? Alternative crops? Decreasing cultivable area? How to deal with groundwater pollution in participatory monitoring? Points for discussion
Are the discussions in groundwater management committees revolving more around agriculture, rather than water? Should we promote replacement of food crops with commercial crops? Points for discussion
Are we able to communicate with farmers effectively by using tables as on the display board? How indigenous knowledge of farmer can be used in crop water budgeting? Points for discussion
Suggested Changes What about considering soil types in addition to water and crops? How to involve dry land farmers in CWB? What else can be suggested to farmers, apart from alternate crops? Eg. Irrigation methods?
Presentation based on work of S Govardhan Das, Andhra Pradesh Farmer Managed Groundwater Systems Project and contribution of Steve Merrett