JOHN: Gospel Evidence for Believing I. Prologue: Declaration of Jesus’ Deity John 1:1-18 NEW LIFE BIBLE FELLOWSHIP January 13, 2013
INTRODUCTION Poeticwords before1. Literary Style: Poetic Prologue = “words before” understanding Preparation for understanding of rest of the Gospel Incarnation2. Theme: Incarnation of Christ Political Joseph’s ~~Matthew – Political significance of Christ’s birth – Joseph’s perspective assumed ~~Mark – Birth assumed Historical Mary’s ~~Luke – Historical summary of Christ’s birth – Mary’s perspective Theological Eternal ~~John – Theological significance of Christ’s birth – Eternal perspective
Identity characters 3. Focus: Identity of two main characters WordLOGOS a. Jesus the Word = Greek term LOGOS Impact on audience: intelligence ~~reminds Greeks of intelligence behind universe creative Word of God ~~reminds Jews of creative Word of God in Genesis 1 Witness b. John the Witness – clearly John the Baptist Light vs darkness4. Introduction of plot: Light vs darkness 5. Introduction of main themes: Life LightTruthBelieving Life Light Truth Believing
Word A. Jesus the Word 1:1-5, 9-14, God1. The word as God 1:1 a. Eternal existence b. Personal being distinct from Father c. Identical essence as Father = Deity Creator 2. The Word as Creator 1:2-3
light giving life 3. The Word as light giving life 1:4,5,9 a. Source of life – Jesus the Word b. Nature of life – light revealing God’s righteousness c. Outreach of light – penetrates sinful darkness of world d. Power of light – victorious over forces of darkness present in world unrecognized4. The Word as present in world, but unrecognized 1:10
Savior 5. The Word as Savior 1:11-13 Presented - Rejected - Received = believed in Incarnate God/man 6. The Word as Incarnate God/man Entrance – “Word became flesh” Temporary presence on earth – “dwelt” = “tabernacled among us” revelation7. The Word as revelation 1:16-18 ~~of grace ~~of truth ~~of God
Witness B. John the Witness 1:6-8, John’s ministry 1:6-8 “man sent from God” a. His calling – “man sent from God” 6 witness to testify about light b. His role – witness to testify about light 7a “that…all people might believe” c. His aim – “that…all people might believe” 7b “not the light” – “only a witness to light” d. His identity – “not the light” – “only a witness to light” 8 2. John’s Message 1:15 “This was he” a. Word identified – “This was he” “one after me more b. Word exalted – “one after me more important because he was before me” important because he was before me”
Conclusion 1. Comparison: JESUS and JOHN Nature God 1:1 God Human 1:6 Human Origin Existed before creation 1:1 Existed before creation “Came” 1:6 “Came” Importance The Light 1:4, 9 The Light Witness to the Light 1:7, 8 Witness to the Light Role Object of belief 1:12 Object of belief Aid to belief 1:7 Aid to belief
2. Impact on Readers – Spiritual Lessons behind universe human being a. The Divine Intelligent Being behind universe has become a human being Godlike b. He shows us what God is like God situationslife c. He shows us how God would react to the situations in our life minimizedexalted d. John the Baptist minimized himself and exalted Jesus