ABT LIU Project Review 2015 BI.KSW: Magnet November 20 th 2015 L. Feliciano TE/ABT.


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Presentation transcript:

ABT LIU Project Review 2015 BI.KSW: Magnet November 20 th 2015 L. Feliciano TE/ABT

Introduction New KSW Layout Kick requirements Hardware Planning Budget Next steps Conclusions BI.KSW: Magnet November 20 th 2015 L. Feliciano 2 Agenda

During the installation of the new H – injection system, the KSW1L1 magnet stack will be removed from its present location to give a place for the new injection system. In order to accomplish the painting bump a series of 4 horizontal kicker stacks (KSW) are used outside the injection region to produce a closed orbit offset of 35 mm at the injection foil. Regarding this, the fourth KSW magnet stack will be installed in section 16L1. BI.KSW: Magnet November 20 th 2015 L. Feliciano 3 Introduction

BI.KSW: Magnet November 20 th 2015 L. Feliciano 4 Present & Future 16L1 section

As for the new hardware, the two major modifications that will come out are: – the 1L1 magnet stack will be removed from his present location to give room to the new injection system. – a new 16L1 magnet stack will be installed in between the bending magnet’s BHZ152 and BHZ161. – Other minor changes includes the move of the present 16L4 to replace the 2L1, which will be reconverted into spare. As a result, the outer magnets 16L1 and 2L1 will be mechanically and electrically identical. Likewise for the inner ones 16L4 and 1L4. All 8 new magnets as well as future spares will be equipped with new vacuum ceramic chambers. BI.KSW: Magnet November 20 th 2015 L. Feliciano 5 New KSW Layout

BI.KSW: Magnet November 20 th 2015 L. Feliciano 6 Kick Requirements

Magnets – All 16 half magnets assembled. – Both magnet sets are finished. BI.KSW: Magnet November 20 th 2015 L. Feliciano 7 Hardware

Ceramic vacuum chambers – Titanium deposit homogeneous. – No vacuum leaks. – Ti Resistivity value within the spec (0.3Ω). BI.KSW: Magnet November 20 th 2015 L. Feliciano 8 Hardware Middle: Coated Ceramic Chamber Left : Mounting set-up prior to pump down. Right : Bottom centring part (cathode and anodes)

The original planning was made on the assumption that the magnets would be ready end % of the project has been completed. Nevertheless its not granted that we will be able to finish on the proposed date. In order to reduce the workload on the injection area during LS2, our proposal is to put in place the 16L1 magnets during the YETS 2015/2016. BI.KSW: Magnet November 20 th 2015 L. Feliciano 9 Planning The two magnet sets are ready as well the associated vacuum chamber. To reduce the workload on the injection area during LS2, we propose to put in place the 16L1 magnets during the EYETS 2016/2017.

BI.KSW: Magnet November 20 th 2015 L. Feliciano 10 Budget Metrics per year in kCHF Year PV EV AC Year PV EV AC Cumulative metrics per year in kCHF

Next steps BI.KSW: Magnet November 20 th 2015 L. Feliciano Close the ECR approval, to be presented to IEFC. Updated Design Office version of the model of the support for the new vacuum chamber to be integrated in the integration 3D model. Confirm if the kicker is installed on the bench with or without additional support (calculation to be done by MME). Start the WDP. Close follow up with third parties (TE/VSC & TE/MSC), the advancement of the new equipment to be installed on 16L1 section of the PSB. 16

BI.KSW: Magnet November 20 th 2015 L. Feliciano12 Conclusions Waiting for EYETS