Catalyzing Reform Presenting Team Bret Schundler Commissioner Andy Smarick Deputy Commissioner Willa Spicer Assistant Commissioner Rochelle Hendricks Assistant Commissioner Dan Gohl Newark Public Schools On behalf of our Governor, Legislature, Schools, and 1.4 million children
Why choose New Jersey? Uniquely poised to fully deliver reforms Immediate impact with 70% of our 1.4 million students Impact magnified by other aspects of our comprehensive reform agenda Reforms will be permanent
We are uniquely positioned to implement reform Favorable laws and regulations Deep and stable political support Buy-in from critical stakeholders and grassroots organizations Strong state, county, and local district capacity to manage the reform
Transforming instruction via standards, curriculum, tools Clear expectations Classroom focus Curriculum & Assessment Spine Actionable data R e d a c t e d
Instructional improvement tools
Teachers and leaders: Revolutionizing the profession Long history of alternative pathways – Serving areas of high need – Contributing significantly to teaching force Student growth as 50% of evaluations – Educational Effectiveness Evaluation Committee Evaluations drive crucial personnel decisions – Professional Development – New opportunities – Compensation: “Closing the Gap,” “All Students Advancing,” “Answering the Call” bonuses – Removal of persistently underperforming teachers
Teachers and leaders: Revolutionizing the profession Additional highlights (D)(3) – (D)(5) – Expanding virtual schooling to extend the reach of highly effective teachers – Measuring the effectiveness of preparation programs and expanding those succeeding
The “New Schools Strategy” How do we ensure children have access to vastly improved opportunities? Two parallel tracks – Improve existing schools – Create new, high-performing schools Success of new starts: New Jersey & beyond
The “New Schools Strategy” Charter Schools – Strong law – NJ DOE is an authorizer – Three pronged expansion strategy: Expand and replicate Add new local operators Recruit high-quality national operators – Great success already
The “New Schools Strategy” Achievement Academies – Highly effective Master Teachers lead the Academies – Building blocks of success – Linking educators’ strengths and student needs R e d a c t e d
New life for low performing schools School Improvement Grants are underway, RTTT will catalyze expansion Needs Assessment Teams determine root causes of low performance Support teachers: – “Answering the Call” bonuses – 15% more instructional time – 5% more professional development time Turnaround program linked to evaluation system Partnership with Harlem Children’s Zone
Newark: where the rubber meets the road Educators operate and design schools Partnerships of higher education, philanthropy, business and community create high quality educational outcomes STEM and the arts connect education and economic development NJ LEAs are prepared to innovate with the NJ DOE
We are ready and committed Our reform plan is systemic, scalable, and sustainable We will make student learning the yardstick for everything we do in our schools We have the fertile ground, political will, and broad support to deliver reform We are committed to social justice: providing a thorough education to every child R e d a c t e d