List # 10
Root words= patron, revolution, moral, dream, list, love, lone, play Root words= patron, revolution, moral, dream, list, love, lone, play Prefixes= de-down or remove, re-again, Suffixes= ize-cause/treat/become, ness- state or quality, less- without Prefixes= de-down or remove, re-again, Suffixes= ize-cause/treat/become, ness- state or quality, less- without
Demoralize- verb- To deprive of spirit, courage, discipline; to destroy the morals or beliefs of. Demoralize- verb- To deprive of spirit, courage, discipline; to destroy the morals or beliefs of.
Emphasize- verb- To lay stress upon; to give attention to or focus on. Emphasize- verb- To lay stress upon; to give attention to or focus on.
Patronize- verb- To behave in an offensive manner towards someone or something. Patronize- verb- To behave in an offensive manner towards someone or something.
Revolutionize- verb- To bring great change to a job, field, etc.; to make tremendous advances. Revolutionize- verb- To bring great change to a job, field, etc.; to make tremendous advances.
Scrutinize- verb- To examine in detail with great, careful attention; to ridicule. Scrutinize- verb- To examine in detail with great, careful attention; to ridicule.
Dreaminess- noun- The state of being vague, dim, unclear. Dreaminess- noun- The state of being vague, dim, unclear.
Listless- noun- Having or showing very little interest in someone or something. Listless- noun- Having or showing very little interest in someone or something.
Loveless- noun- Feeling no appreciation or self-worth; without affection. Loveless- noun- Feeling no appreciation or self-worth; without affection.
Loneliness- noun- The feeling of being alone; to be without company. Loneliness- noun- The feeling of being alone; to be without company.
Playfulness- noun- The state of being full of fun; joyful, excited. Playfulness- noun- The state of being full of fun; joyful, excited.