Vocabulary List #7 Etymologies
cupidity (cue PID uh tee) Noun (abstract) greed Synonyms: graspingness, possessiveness, avarice (AV uh rus)
Cupidity Just like Eros, Cupid becomes associated with desire, except it is desire for wealth, not love. Cupid – Roman god of love (yes, just like Eros)
philistine (FIL uh steen) noun an uncultured, materialistic person who is indifferent or hostile to artistic and intellectual activities Synonyms: materialistic, barbarian, boor (BOOR)
philistine Samson, an Israelite, loved Delilah, a Philistine, who tricked him into giving up the secret to his strength and caused his blinding and imprisonment. 17 th Century: German preacher referred to the local townspeople (who killed a student) as Philistines, and the insult expanded to any uneducated person.
jeopardize (JEP ur dize) verb put in danger Synonyms: endanger, risk, imperil (im PER ul)
jeopardize French jeu parti, "a divided game, game with even chances," from jeu "a game" + parti, "to divide" jeu parti – the term was used in games when the next move could upset a thus far even contest – usually a risky move.
foible (FOY bul) noun minor or amusing fault or weakness Synonyms: defect, flaw, infirmity (in FUR muh tee)
forte (FORT) (FOR tay) noun strong point Synonyms: aptitude, talent, métier (may TYAY)
Foible / Forte Derive from terms in fencing. The foil is the sword blade: the middle to tip, the foible, is the weakest point; the middle to hilt, the forte, is the strongest.
Roots Miss- to send Gno – to know Mut – to change Aer – air, atmosphere Lev – to raise