Verb Ab-skond To leave in a sudden or secret manner, especially to avoid capture or prosecution
Adjective ad-uh-muhnt, - mant Immovable and unyielding in opinions in spite of all appeals
Adjective Kuh-prish-uhs Being led by impulse; erratic Synonyms: arbitrary, fanciful, erratic, impulsive
Adjective Kloi -ing Sickeningly sweet; tending to cause aversion through excess
Adjective dahy-af-uh- nuh s Very sheer and light; transparent
Adjective ih-gree- juhs Extraordin ary in some bad way; flagrant
Noun ih-pit-uh-mee A perfect example of something; the embodiment
Adjective gruh-too-i-tuhs Uncalled for; done without apparent reason Note: This picture is completely gratuitous. It’s only on here because it’s cute.
Adjective Loo-goo-bree- uhs Mournful or sorrowful, especially in an exaggerated manner
Verb mis-kuhn-stroo To misunderstand the meaning of; to misinterpret
Noun Mir-ee-uhd A great number of things or people
Adjective ni-fair-ee-uhs Extremely wicked or villainous
Adjective Ob -doo-rit Unmoved by persuasion, pity, or feeling; stubborn and unyielding
Adjective Pon -der-uhs Of great weight, heavy, or massive As in a ponderous burden/weight
Adjective Of or pertaining to childhood OR to be childish and immature
Adjective rib-uhld Language or speech that is vulgar, indecent, or irreverent
Verb si-kwes-ter To remove or separate
Adjective Uhngk - choo-uhs Oily or greasy in texture, appearanc e, or manner
Adjective Ver-bohs Characterized by the use of too many words; overly wordy
Noun ver-uh-si-mil-i- tood The appearance of truth; believability