Review by Ruth Anderson Western Culture Review: Sports
Review 1) In North America, who plays golf? It is played by both wealthy and “ordinary” people.
Review 2) What activities are licensed and regulated in the West? – Hunting and fishing
Review 3) What is a Rodeo? –‘Cowboy’ skills contests
Review 4) What are the most popular sports in the USA? –Baseball –Basketball –American football –Golf –Tennis
Review 5) What is American’s national pastime ? Baseball. 6
Review 6) What is the “Super Bowl”? The final game of the American Football season 7
8 7) What is Canada’s National Winter sport ? Ice Hockey. Review
8) What is Canada’s National Summer sport? Lacrosse 9
Review 9) Who created Lacrosse? –The First Nations (Native Indians) peoples of Canada. 10
Review 10) What sports had their origin in Britain? –football –tennis –badminton –table tennis –golf –cricket –rugby
Review 11) What is the most popular sport in England? Football
Review 12) What problem does Britain have among its football fans? Violence
Review 13) What were used in the first table tennis games instead of a racquet and ball? Cigar boxes and champagne corks.
Review 14) What has been banned in England and Wales since 2005? –Fox Hunting
Review 15) What Western city will host the 2012 summer Olympic Games ? London 16
Review 16) What is the third most attended sporting league in the world? The AFL (Australia Football League) 17
Review 17) What popular sport in New Zealand is primarily played by women? Netball 18
End of Sports Review