Dharma Drum Mountain 法鼓山 English Dharma Class Chan, Buddhism, and us Thursday October 27th, 2011
Four Noble Truths 四諦 Truth of Suffering 苦諦 Cause of Suffering 集諦 Cessation of Suffering 滅諦 The Path to the Cessation of Suffering 道諦
Second Truth - The basic cause Attaching to vexations greed, hatred, delusion believing in them Vexations “color” our minds Clothes are dyed with color Or take on the smells around them Therefore, transforming our vexations eliminates suffering
Five Causes of Mental Disturbance Greed Anger Arrogance Despair Doubt The Great Bodhisattvas are free of these Five Causes. Their statues show us what this looks like. Prajnaparamita Bodhisattva
Two Methods of Healing the Mind Recitation of the Buddha’s Name Meditation
Truth of Cessation – 滅諦 It is possible to be free from suffering. Nirvana (Nibbana) 涅槃 滅 – Cessation 煩惱 解脫 – Liberation 無為 – the Unconditioned, Unborn, Unformed, Unmade Like a flame going out Released – where does the flame go?
Truth of the Way – 道諦 Noble Eightfold Path - 八正道 Right View/Understanding – 正見 Right Intention/Thoughts – 正思惟 Right Speech – 正語 Right Action – 正業 Right Livelihood – 正命 Right Effort – 正精進 Right Mindfulness – 正念 Right Concentration – 正定 “Right” means: Correct Skillful In accordance with the Dharma.
The Three Refuges 三歸依 歸依處處求 求之遍十方 究竟歸依處 三寶最吉祥 The importance of refuge Three Treasures 三寶 歸依處處求 求之遍十方 究竟歸依處 三寶最吉祥 People seek refuge everywhere, Seeking refuge in all the ten directions, Finally realize that the ultimate place of refuge Is to be found in the most auspicious Three Treasures.
The Refuge of the Buddha Refuge in his Awakening Refuge in his Teaching Refuge in his Action Faith in the Buddha confidence
The Refuge of the Dharma Hearing, studying, and contemplating Four Noble Truths Refraining from creating suffering Training our minds There is always something we can do
The Refuge of the Sangha “Good spiritual friends” Teachers Fellow practitioners All beings
Master Ren-jun (仁俊法師) and Bhikkhu Bodhi The Two Vehicles Theravada the “Way of the Elders” the “small” vehicle 小乘 self-cultivation, self-liberation South-east Asia Mahayana the “Great Vehicle” 大乘 Bodhisattva Practice Universal liberation East Asia, Tibet Master Ren-jun (仁俊法師) and Bhikkhu Bodhi
The Two Vehicles
Mahayana: the Way of the Bodhisattva Breaking through the self-delusion Two pillars: Compassion Wisdom One who cannot let go of himself lacks wisdom. One who cannot let go of others lacks compassion.
Emptiness 空 Without the understanding of Emptiness, a bodhisattva is not a Bodhisattva 無我,無常,中道 Non-self, impermanence, and the Middle Way (無有及無無有) Inter-dependence Dependent Co-arising 緣起 Cause and effect nothing is without a cause Non-substantiality Nothing is more one thing than another Freedom Liberation from limitations
Buddha Nature 佛性 What is Buddha Nature? Something? Nothing? is it caused or uncaused? Ability to awaken from the dream of ignorance and suffering Faith and cultivation Nourish our Buddha Nature
Paramitas – the Perfections 波羅密 Six Paramitas Giving 佈施 Morality 持戒 Patience 忍辱 Effort 精進 Meditation 禪定 Wisdom 智慧 Prajna-paramita Bodhisattva
Four Essentials for Practice Faith Trust and confidence Understanding Study and Right View Practice Action in accord with the Dharma Realization Awakening Confirmation