Today is May 24, 2012 It is an A Day
What’s for Lunch? Ribique Sub with Seeded Roll Beef Tacos with Corn or Flour Tortilla
Today’s Weather High of 82° Chance of Isolated Thunderstorms
Band Sectionals 2 nd period Wind Ensemble Trumpets 8 th Period Concert Band 7/8 Flutes
Orchestra Sectionals 1 st period 6 Violin I 2 nd period 6 Violin II 8 th period Quartet 9 th period 7/8 Cello and Bass
G/T Schedule 8 th period Film Crew #5 9 th Period Film Crew #4
On sale during lunch shifts beginning Wednesday 5/23 (through Friday 6/1) Bring check or exact change: $22.26 See Ms. Young or Ms. Salsman with any questions. To be delivered during the last week of school.
7 th & 8 th Grade PGT Auditions Check wall outside of GT Classroom for the time of your audition
Join the Mount Hebron Cavaliers
Tuesday May 29 th 6:30 – 8:00 in the Main Gym Wear comfortable clothing & closed toe shoes Questions?
Attention 6th Grade Chorus Members Your combined Spring Concert rehearsals will take place next Tuesday and Wednesday, May 29th and 30th, during 7th period Seminar. Please check in with your Seminar teacher before meeting us in the cafeteria for rehearsal.
Attention Treble Chorus and Chamber Singers Your mandatory Spring Concert dress rehearsal will take place after school next Wednesday, May 30th, after school in the cafeteria from 3- 4:30 PM. Please bring a snack!
Attention 6th and 7th graders: Would you like to borrow 6 books for the summer? You should have received a summer book checkout form from your homeroom teacher this past Monday. If you didn't, be sure to ask for the form. If you lost your form, please stop by the library to pick up a new one. Forms must be turned in by Tuesday May 29th. Summer checkout will be May 30th and 31st.