THE Extended Essay 4/22
Agenda Rest of the week Intro to Extended Essay SY2014 Due Dates Goal: Get you familiar with essay and get you working so that you are not stressed
Rest of the Week TODAY: Intro to Extended Essay TOMORROW: Brainstorming for Extended Essay FRIDAY: Next AOK – Natural Science!!!!! (I already admit – I am no Mr. Voss) No Weekly Reflection due Monday, but they are back on for the following Monday
Extended Essay 4,000 Word Essay Seems overwhelming, I know. BUT – Typical college work. Other IB schools force you to do it ALL on your own!!
Basics 4000 words Topics: Literature, Language, History Investigation 11 different areas of judgment You must have some sort of argument
The Extended Essay – According to IB The extended essay provides: practical preparation for undergraduate research an opportunity for students to investigate a topic of special interest to them, which is also related to one of the student's six DP subjects.
The Extended Essay – According to IB Through the research process for the extended essay, students develop skills in: formulating an appropriate research question engaging in a personal exploration of the topic communicating ideas developing an argument. Participation in this process develops the capacity to analyse, synthesize and evaluate knowledge.
The Extended Essay – According to IB Students are supported throughout the process of researching and writing the extended essay, with advice and guidance from a supervisor who is usually a teacher at the school. The IB recommends that students follow the completion of the written essay with a short, concluding interview with their supervisor. This is known as viva voce. The extended essay and interview can be a valuable stimulus for discussion in countries where interviews are required prior to acceptance for employment or for a place at university.
The Extended Essay – According to IB All extended essays are externally assessed by examiners appointed by the IB. They are marked on a scale from 0 to 36. The score a student receives relates to a band. The bands are: A – work of an excellent standard. B – work of a good standard. C –work of a satisfactory standard. D – work of a mediocre standard. E – work of an elementary standard.
Extended Essay Guide f f Diploma Matrix: (15)
The Argument Your paper must be an argument related to your research question. You are trying to prove SOMETHING You are trying to investigate something and make a CONCLUSION or JUDGMENT You DO NOT need a counter-claim section for MOST papers You should, SOMEWHERE, acknowledge the other side It can be in a specific section…
Thesis YOU NEED TO HAVE ONE At the end of your introduction In your paper, you are: Taking a position Constructing an argument based on evidence Defending your thesis You have 4,000 words, the IB examiner is expecting a coherent, organized, structured, logical, critical, in-depth examination, and defense of your thesis.
Categories Literature – Category 1 and 2 (21) Studies in Language (23) History (79)
2014 Due Dates Topic Selection – Friday, May 1 Research Question – DRAFT – Friday, May 8 Outline of Essay – DRAFT – Friday, May 29 September 8 – Detailed Outline, List of Sources (at least 4 solid good ones)
Today Read through the guide What are some questions you have about the EE?