Administration Mr. Daryl Reisinger – Assistant Principal Mr. Paul Steigerwald – Assistant Principal School Counselors Mrs. Jennifer Kulas, (Last names A through E) Mr. David Watson, (Last names F through K) Mrs. Jennifer Hilbert, (Last names L through R) Ms. Teresa Markulike, (Last names S through Z)
GRADUATION CREDIT REQUIREMENTS Course PHS Students CTC Students Language Arts 4 4 Math 4 4 Science 4 3 Social Studies 4 3 Computer Technology 1 1 *Career/Financial Lit. 1 1 Phys. Ed Core Electives (M, S, SS, LA) 4 2 Health 1 1 Driver Ed./Career Ed..5.5 Electives or from CTC = 9.5 or 10.5 Total Credits Req. for Graduation Total Credits Possible All students in grades 9-11 will be required to take at least one class in each of the four core content areas each year (English, Math, Science, and Social Studies.)
Promotions to the next grade are governed by the following requirements: 10th Grade: 9 earned credits 11th Grade: 18 earned credits 12th Grade: 27 earned credits Requirements for Marking Period Honor Rolls Regular Honor Roll - Grade Point Average of 3.0 to All students must have earned grades of 80% or higher. Distinguished Honor Roll - Grade Point Average of 3.70 or higher. All students must have earned grades of 90% or higher. Palmyra High School Grading Scale 93% - 100% A % - 92% A % -89% B %-86% B %-82% B %-79% C %-76% C %-72% C %-69% D %-66% D %-62% D % and below (50%) F.00
0702 Honors Communication Skills 9 - Grade 9 1 credit In a highly competitive setting, this course provides in-depth academic study of the writing process, literature, speaking, grammar and vocabulary. This broad spectrum is offered in a manner that gives the honors student a theoretical and practical foundation for future Language Arts study. Students in this course must demonstrate high motivation for learning in the Language Arts field. All students who enroll in this class must complete a preliminary assignment in order to be prepared for the start of this course College Prep. Communication Skills 9- Grade 9 1 credit This course provides in-depth academic level coverage of all areas useful in improving communication skills: grammar, vocabulary, writing, literature, speaking, reading, and listening. This broad spectrum is offered in a manner that gives the academic student a theoretical and practical foundation for future studies in Language Arts. The student in this course must demonstrate high motivation for learning in the Language Arts field. All students who enroll in this class must complete a preliminary assignment in order to be prepared for the start of this course Engineering - Grades 9, 10, 11, 12 1 Credit In this course students will discover the meaning of engineering. This understanding will be developed through various engineering activities and design challenges. Students will have the opportunity to solve engineering problems that are based on mechanical, electrical, civil, and chemical topics. Students will also be introduced to drafting and Computer-Aided Design during this course. The software packages that will be utilized in this class will be Solid Works, Auto Cad, and Adobe Illustrator. Students will also be introduced to drafting and Computer-Aided-Design in this course. Students will receive 0.5 credit toward the computer technology graduation requirement upon the completion of this course. PREREQUISITE: Foundations of Technology and Engineering or Introduction to Technology User fee = $20 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS
1012 Concert Band - Grades 9, 10, 11, 12 2 credits, 1 credit or.66 credits The band is an ensemble course that rehearses as both a concert and a marching ensemble. The band participates at parades and exhibition shows, as well as stage concerts. Extra practices are scheduled as needed. Attendance is a requirement of the course for the duration of all functions including band camp, all concerts, and community events. From this group, individuals may audition for Jazz Ensemble, which is a select group, and rehearses independent of the regular band schedule. All members are required to perform playing tests for seating and assessment throughout the year. Members of 8 th grade concert band or previous participation in high school band is preferred Orchestra - Grades 9, 10, 11, 12 2 credits, 1 credit, or.66 credits Membership to this ensemble is by selection. This is a performance group that performs in a Pops Concert, Holiday Concert, and Spring Concert. Students in this class will gain a general knowledge and experience of how to be a successful musician. Students will be graded on participation, listening assignments, as well as playing tests on orchestral literature, scales, and rhythm exercises. Students will audition for their placement in each section. Students may also audition to be in an honors ensemble that meets outside of school. Previous orchestra enrollment at the middle school or high school level is preferred Concert Choir - Grades 9, 10, 11, 12 2 credits, 1 credit, or.66 credits Using previous knowledge from the middle school choral setting, students in this non-audition ensemble will experience the skills necessary to become an involved learner in the high school choral setting. Students will be formally assessed on their knowledge of the process of choral singing. This includes participation, singing alone and with others, and the development of sight-singing techniques. Previous chorus enrollment at the middle school or high school level is preferred.