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Layers of the Earth Fossils Plates & Stuff Wild Card 10 Point 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 10 Point 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points Earthquakes
Earth’s core is mainly composed of ________.
Iron and nickel
What is the Earth’s crust made of?
It is a system of large masses called plates that slowly move together or apart.
Compared to rocks in Earth’s crust, rocks in the mantle are more _____.
The Earth’s core is solid because of extreme _____.
How do high temperatures inside the Earth affect rocks?
Melt the rock
Fossils of horse and dinosaurs ____ occur on the same rock layers.
Do not
What can we learn by studying fossils?
How Earth’s environments have changed
When you have several layers of earth containing fossils, which fossils are the oldest?
Fossils at the bottom
What does it mean when you find a fish on a mountain top?
The mountain was raised up after the fish died.
What might be a reason that the same fossils are found in both Africa and South America?
In the past, Africa and South America were part of the same continent.
Areas on Earth’s surface that lie above the borders of tectonic plates are characterized by ______.
Frequent earthquake activity
Earthquakes and volcanoes are often located near ______.
Where tectonic plates meet
What is the main cause of earthquakes?
Plate movement
What is a common secondary effect of an earthquake in the oceans?
A tsunami
Why do scientists think an earthquake might occur along the San Andreas Fault?
The San Andreas Fault is a known major fault where pressure for lateral movement has been for years.
A boundary where two tectonic plates come together, or collide, is called a _____ boundary.
What is the main reason that continents look very different than they did 100 million years ago?
The continents have drifted apart from one another on lithospheric plates.
Magma in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean creates _____.
Long, large mountain range
What landform is created when 2 continental plates collide?
Mountain range
When two plates come together what could be expected to happen to the denser one?
It will push under the less dense one.
How can you tell young mountains from older mountains?
Sharper peaks
A deep well goes through which layer of the Earth?
What happens to pressure and temperature as you move form the crust to the core?
Both temperature and pressure increase.
What technology is used to measure the depth of the ocean?
How do active volcanoes on islands create more land area on islands?
Lava from volcanoes cools and hardens, forming more land.
Make your wager
What are the layers of the Earth from inside to outside? Describe each layer’s composition, density, and temperature.
Inner Core- hottest, densest, solid iron and nickel Outer Core- not as hot, less dense, liquid iron and nickel Mantel- hotter than crust, cooler than core, medium density, molten rock Crust- coolest, least dense, basalt and granite