Using Google Documents Project 4Summer 2010 A guide to a Digital Theater Portfolio July 10 th, 2010 MEDT 8462 Dr. Huett Barry D. Thibault
Creating a Digital Theater Portfolio using: Google Documents Google’s Picasa Google Blogger Gmail
Technology Integration Everybody is talking about technology integration, but few practicing teachers profess to know exactly how to proceed. The fact is that real integration requires change.... However, what seems to be lacking is a model that teachers can use to guide them through the necessary changes they will need to make to be successful in integrating new technology into their classroom." (Johnson & Liu, 2000, p. 4).
Theater Digital Portfolio Welcome and introductions Overview of agenda Questions/review of last Google training? Overview of prerequisites Overview of administration setup steps Start Page and Web Creator Questions/feedback? How do you envision using Google Apps? Next steps? CTAP Region 1 Online evaluation
Theater Digital Portfolio A Theater Portfolio is an important
Google Products for Education
Student Theater Samples
Student work stored easily
Browser Support Prerequisite You can use any of the following browsers to access your control panel: Internet Explorer 6.0 and later Netscape 7.1 and later Firefox 1.0 and later Safari 1.3 and later Regardless of your browser type, you must have: Cookies enabled JavaScript enabled
Overview of 6 Steps Step 1: Sign up and Sign in Step 2: Domain Verification Step 3: Customize Google Apps Step 4: Create User Accounts Step 5: Migrate MX record (if desired) Step 6: Deploy Google Apps Step guide also available at Google site:
Step 1: Sign up and Sign in Sign up for Google Apps at Apps Enter domain name and admin account info. Google Apps with domain registration option After sign up, receive an from Google Sign in to the administrative control panel. Here you can: Manage your user accounts Customize Google Apps Contact Google support team To access the control panel, visit: (example) (example)
Step 1: Create User Accounts From the control panel, create as many user accounts as your organization needs. Add users individually. Click the 'User accounts' tab and then the 'Create a new user' link. Enter your first user's real name, choose their username, and record the temporary password. Then, click the 'Create new user' button. Repeat as needed. Add users individually Add users in bulk If you run out of user accounts, clicking the 'Request more users' link will notify Google.