DEX 7 – Operational Feedback Business Need Introduction This exchange enables the transmission of information on the condition and usage of a supported product. Feedback includes: support task records, including product data collected by the task; product state and usage records; resource element state and usage records; product configuration information; any issues arising from work.
DEX 7 – Operational Feedback Business Process This DEX enables the transmission of information on the condition and usage of a supported product gathered during its operation. This DEX will provide inputs and triggers for maintenance tasks (Work_package_definition) and feedback information generated through the execution of maintenance tasks is covered by the Work_ package_ report DEX. Examples of information about the usage of a supported product: flying hours on an aircraft; mileage travelled by an automobile; number of starts for an electrical generator; volume of fluid pumped through a pipeline or process plant; operational cycles for a gas turbine engine; occurences of operation outside preset limits i.e. overspeed, or overstress; feedback from system monitoring; fatigue index; location of the part or product.
DEX 7 – Operational Feedback Scope (1) The following are WITHIN the scope of this DEX: Recording the transmission of information; Reporting the usage of a product as realized; (Note the usage is the activities that a product has been engaged in). Reporting the current configuration of the product as realized; Reporting the condition of a product as realized, before, during or after performing a support activity or operational usage, recorded as properties, states or observations; (Note this includes reporting the fault state, as defined or otherwise in the FME(C)A, observed on a product as realized). Reporting the location of the product as realized; The identification of the FME(C)A. (Note the definition of the FME(C)A is covered by the Fault_states DEX). The environment is which a product was operating.
DEX 7 – Operational Feedback Scope (2) The following are OUTSIDE the scope of this DEX: Reporting the work performed on a product as realized; Reporting the resources used to perform work on a product as realized. (Note the reporting of work performed and resources used is covered by the Work_package_report DEX). The definition of the FME(C)A. (Note the definition of the FME(C)A is covered by the fault states DEX).
DEX 7 – Operational Feedback Overview
DEX 7 – Operational Feedback CAPABILITIES -TABLE
DEX 7 – Operational Feedback Reference Data Development
DEX 7 – Operational Feedback Summary of Remaining Work
DEX 7 – Operational Feedback Status / Remaining Work Capabilities / DEXs –The ones that DEX 7 are responsible for are complete but requires Checking – have all entities been used? Testing – not yet This requires test data + availability of ALL capabilities Testing –Requires ALL capabilities used by the DEX to be complete before the consistency of the EXPRESS can be tested. –Requires test data to cover the scope of the DEX. Reference Data –Model reference data complete –Business reference data in work – complete April 2004
DEX 7 – Operational Feedback Issues / Remaining Work Quality –We need to review ALL the DEX/Capabilities wrt to quality, consistency, accuracy –Checklists will help –Effort for DEX7 Modeller effort: 3 days Subject Expert: 3 days Validation –Check that the DEX EXPRESS is complete –Requires all capabilities used by DEX to be in place –Requires development of long form – XML or EXPRESS –Effort for DEX7 Modeller effort: 2 days Subject Expert: 0 days Testing Neutral test files –We should continue development of Bike test data to cover DEX7 –The data should provide support to ALL the DEXs –We should use the data as an input to translator test rallies –Effort for DEX7 Modeller effort: 10 days Subject Expert: 5 days Real test data –We should identify some real data from applications –Map to DEX7 –Effort for DEX7 Modeller effort: ? days Subject Expert: ? days
DEX 7 – Operational Feedback Issues / Remaining Work Reference Data –“It is modelling!” Needs Subject expert + modeller input –Needs scoping –Perhaps use TRILS –How are we to proceed with ISO 15926? What database is available? Is it web accessible – both as OWL and Web Services? What tools are available for building the ref data? How does it interface to the PLCS model? –Effort for DEX7 – Can be funded by MOD Infrastructure development: ???? Modeller effort: 20 days Subject Expert: 20 days Infrastructure –How do we publish in OASIS? They may well have different requirements. –Improvements –HTML publications Paul Nolan committed – progress? –Issue logs Paul Nolan committed – progress?
DEX 7 – Operational Feedback Issues / Remaining Work Missing Capabilities – cannot be funded by MOD –Properties Modeller effort: 10 days Subject Expert: 5 days –Product as realized Modeller effort: 10 days Subject Expert: 3 days –Product configuration Modeller effort: 2 days Subject Expert: 1 days –Scheme Modeller effort: 4 days Subject Expert: 1 days –Justification Modeller effort: 2 days Subject Expert: 0 days –Date time, Person Organization Modeller effort: 2 days Subject Expert: 0 days TOTAL EFFORT Modeller effort: 30 days Subject Expert: 10 days