LEFIS W2 Posgraduate Workshop 1 LEFIS and Master’s Programmes at Mykolas Romeris University Prof. Dr. Rimantas Petrauskas Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania)
LEFIS W2 Posgraduate Workshop 2 Information Technology Law Masters Programme DIPLOMA AWARDED Master of Laws (Information Technology Law)
LEFIS W2 Posgraduate Workshop 3 RELATED MASTER’S PROGRAMMES AT MYKOLAS ROMERIS UNIVERSITY: E-Government, Public administration, Law and Management, Economics, Law (IPL) Related to LEFIS subjects: Legal Environment of E-government, E-services, E-health, E-commerce, Development of Information Society in the EU, Information Technologies in Public Administration.
LEFIS W2 Posgraduate Workshop 4 AIMS OF THE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY LAW MASTERS PROGRAMME TO DEVELOP STUDENTS’ KNOWLEDGE ABOUT: new legal processes and phenomena in the networked society; New legal regulation models and principles pertaining to ICT; to form the abilities and competences to manage ICT, facilitating legal decision making and common legal tasks.
LEFIS W2 Posgraduate Workshop 5 AIMS OF THE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY LAW MASTERS PROGRAMME – Study programme aims at training the lawyers with special knowledge and skills necessary for serving the information society and facing legal challenges of the ICTs.
LEFIS W2 Posgraduate Workshop 6 AIMS OF THE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY LAW MASTERS PROGRAMME Study programme aims to deliver : theoretical knowledge and practical skills of the legal disciplines pertaining to/spawned by the ICT; theoretical knowledge and practical skills of ICT application in legal work.
LEFIS W2 Posgraduate Workshop 7 VARIABILITY OF THE PROGRAMME Transformations of traditional institutes. Variability of the Information technology law. Requests to analyze changes and to adjust master programme of information technology law Needs of more universal master’s programmes for smaller countries or markets.
LEFIS W2 Posgraduate Workshop 8 VARIABILITY OF THE PROGRAMME During the processes of Programme design Mykolas Romeris University was consulting with INFOBALT (ITT forum in the region of Baltic states), which supports education, science and programmes promoting development of the information society. Participating in the projects guided by the Ministry of Interior of Lithuania, and Information Society Development Committee under Lithuanian government helps to make analyses of stakeholders needs.
LEFIS W2 Posgraduate Workshop 9 VARIABILITY OF THE PROGRAMME Participating in the AEQUITAS, SAFARI (Strengthening Capacities of Authorities Dealing with IT and Data Security) and other projects helps for Mykolas Romeris University, working together with public administration institutions and private sector, to exam current situation and needs of preparing training programmes for governmental institutions staff and to use this information for preparation of study programmes.
LEFIS W2 Posgraduate Workshop 10 CONTENT OF THE IT LAW MASTERS PROGRAMME STUDY PROGRAMME CONSISTS OF THE SUBJECTS IN LAW AND THE SUBJECTS PERTINENT TO LAW AND ICT, INCLUDING: the intellectual property rights in cyberspace telecommunications law e-commerce law (including e-signatures) data protection and data security legal environment of e – government Internet law etc.
LEFIS W2 Posgraduate Workshop 11 1st semester Courses Offered:
LEFIS W2 Posgraduate Workshop 12 2nd semester Courses Offered:
LEFIS W2 Posgraduate Workshop 13 3rd semester Courses offered:
LEFIS W2 Posgraduate Workshop 14 LEARNING OUTCOMES AND COMPETENCES GENERAL COMPETENCES: Capacity for: Applying knowledge in practice; Generating new ideas. Research skills. Information management skills (capability to analyze information from different sources).
LEFIS W2 Posgraduate Workshop 15 COMPETENCES OFF DIFFERENT SUBJECTS LEGAL REGULATION OF ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS: Capability to understand the main principles and categories in the field of legal regulation of electronic communications. Knowledge of particularities of electronic communications sector.
LEFIS W2 Posgraduate Workshop 16 COMPETENCES OFF DIFFERENT SUBJECTS LEGAL REGULATION OF E-COMMERCE: Capability to use legal provisions in E-commerce; Knowledge of principles and regulation of E- signature; Knowledge of the mechanism of the financial flows and their control in the electronic commerce.
LEFIS W2 Posgraduate Workshop 17 COMPETENCES OFF DIFFERENT SUBJECTS INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY IN CYBERSPACE: Capability to analyze transformations of intellectual property and importance within the information society; Knowledge of the principles for harmonisation, as well as non-legal protection forms thereof. Knowledge of the newest intellectual property paradigms e.g. alternative intellectual-information property.
LEFIS W2 Posgraduate Workshop 18 COMPETENCES OFF DIFFERENT SUBJECTS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND LAW: Knowledge of theoretical and practical models of cyberspace and ICT Role of ICT in the legal decision making and common legal tasks
LEFIS W2 Posgraduate Workshop 19 COMPETENCES OFF DIFFERENT SUBJECTS E-GOVERNANCE: Understanding of the impact of ICT to the development of social governance. Knowledge of the E-Governance principles, goals and trends. Understanding legal regulation facilitating E- Governance.
LEFIS W2 Posgraduate Workshop 20 COMPETENCES OFF DIFFERENT SUBJECTS DATA PROTECTION AND DATA SECURITY: Knowledge of main categories of data protection and data security. Knowledge of theoretical and practical models of data protection and data security and alternative mechanisms of regulation. Capability to interpret practical models of personal data protection and security.
LEFIS W2 Posgraduate Workshop 21 COMPETENCES OFF DIFFERENT SUBJECTS COMPUTER CRIME AND PREVENTION: Capability to recognize and comprehend computer related/facilitated violations of the law. Capability to identify, qualify and evaluate computer related infringements. Capability to engage legal process in the electronic environment.
LEFIS W2 Posgraduate Workshop 22 COMPETENCES OFF DIFFERENT SUBJECTS INTERNET LAW: Capability to define jurisdiction in cyber space, Knowledge of theoretical and practical models of internet regulation and alternative regulation mechanisms.
LEFIS W2 Posgraduate Workshop 23 COMPETENCES OFF DIFFERENT SUBJECTS ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND LAW: Knowledge of methods and techniques of artificial intelligence systems applicable in law and management domain. Capability to combine the theoretical insights with the abilities to form practical perspectives on the learned artificial intelligence methods and techniques to computerize rational reasoning methods, and to consequently apply in practice.
LEFIS W2 Posgraduate Workshop 24 COMPETENCES OFF DIFFERENT SUBJECTS E-DEMOCRACY: Capability to define reasons of E-democracy. Capability to analyze definitions and peculiarities of e-participation.
LEFIS W2 Posgraduate Workshop 25 COMPETENCES OFF DIFFERENT SUBJECTS LEGAL STATISTICS: Knowledge of the ways for collections of legal information, multi-functional statistical analysis methods, use of them for evaluation of statistical relations and reasons, by identifying logical regularity.
LEFIS W2 Posgraduate Workshop 26 RESEARCH WORK Research work aims at developing the skills of independent scientific and practical (applied) research in the field of IT law, allowing master students to effectively embrace all the elements of the master’s studies plan.
LEFIS W2 Posgraduate Workshop 27 Final Master’s Thesis Studies end with Final Master’s Thesis, which is continuation of the research work.
LEFIS W2 Posgraduate Workshop 28 Final Master’s Thesis THE MOST POPULAR IT LAW FIELDS FOR MASTER’S THESIS ARE: Intellectual property law, Legal problems of E-governance, Electronic communication and law, E-commerce, E-contract and E-signature laws, Cyber crimes, Data protection and data security, Information society law.
LEFIS W2 Posgraduate Workshop 29 Statistics of Defended Final Master’s Thesis in 2005/2006
LEFIS W2 Posgraduate Workshop 30 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY LAW MASTERS PROGRAMME Mykolas Romeris University Lithuania, Vilnius mruni.lt