TchgLrngSummary.ppt 1 - pre Individualized Distance Learning Capability Goal is to support analysis and design and project development courses in engineering, science and management department curricula at BS and MS levels.
TchgLrngSummary.ppt 2 - pre Brief Description Educational software to provide interactive graphic editing and simultaneous voice access between student and mentor. This complements, but does not require, access to expensive video communications or to a multimedia- equipped distance learning site.
TchgLrngSummary.ppt 3 - pre Related Applications: Remote access to recital sections or office hours by means of desktop conferences which include sharing of graphic presentations or assignments between teacher and student Two-way interactive access to electronic slide show presentations from within and beyond large lecture halls.
TchgLrngSummary.ppt 4 - pre Delivery Context Designed to complement television delivery by supporting graphic block diagrams with superior resolution, a return path for voice, text and graphics. Provides a mechanism for on-line submission and interactive evaluation of student work, including automatic extraction of semantic content from the (constrained) block diagram. Supports a bandwidth-dependent number of concurrently submitting students (e.g. short quizzes) with automatic grading possibilities.
TchgLrngSummary.ppt 5 - pre Restrictions Applications are intentionally limited to design problems which involve two- dimensional block diagrams; Examples include any discrete process behavior models, in which the goal is to understand how objects interact in a network of spatial or temporal or cause-effect dependency relationships Bandwidth limitations preclude arbitrary images, except as constant backgrounds.