The Revised Standards – May 2014
The 8 Standards Clear Social Work Accountability Framework Effective Workforce Planning Safe Workloads and Case Allocation Effective Partnerships Managing Risks and Resources Effective and Appropriate Supervision Continuing Professional Development Professional registration
Assessed and Supported Year in Employment (ASYE) The ASYE is designed to help Newly Qualified Social Workers (NQSW’s) to develop their: Skills Knowledge Capability Strengthen Professional Confidence
Audit Tool May 2014 RAG rated toolkit to support Employers to understand their organisation position Have you seen it? /journal_content/56/10180/ /ARTICLEhttp:// /journal_content/56/10180/ /ARTICLE
Action Plan /journal_content/56/10180/ /ARTICLE /journal_content/56/10180/ /ARTICLE
Local Government Association Podcast 7 local-government/- /journal_content/56/10180/ /ARTICLEhttp:// local-government/- /journal_content/56/10180/ /ARTICLE
& Evidence for Inspections The social care workforce is sufficient, stable, suitably qualified and competent to deliver high-quality services to those using services. Managers and practitioners are experienced, effectively trained and supervised and the quality of their practice improves the lives of vulnerable people. There is effective organisational support for the professional development of social workers with reference to the employer standards, and leaders provide the right environment for good social work to take place. A training and development strategy for the workforce, including arrangements to accommodate feedback from those using services and learning from reviews of cases and audits
Have you begun?
Step 1 – How is it working in your organisation?
Step 2 – What have you found out in your organisation?
Step 3 – What are your challenges?
Step 4 – What are your solutions?
Step 5 – What goals have you set?
Group Discussion on 1 of the Standards 1 - How is the standard working in your organisation? 2 - What is your role? 3 – What are your challenges? 4 – What are your solutions? 5 – What goals have you set?
Final thoughts