Describe one way that soil is used by humans Bell Work
{ Soil Purposes and Land Capability Classes Soil Science and Management, Sixth Edition. Edward J. Plaster, Delmar Cengage Learning
Describe one way that soil is used by humans Discussion
Soil use can be broken into two categories Agricultural Nonagricultural Uses of Soil
Cropland Annual Crops Perennial Crops Can be an erosion issue Agricultural Uses - Cropland
Rangeland – Native grass and shrubs Vast quantities needed for adequate grazing land Management Agricultural Uses - Grazing
Agroforestry (Silviculture) Least destructive to the soil, but there are still concerns What are these concerns? Agricultural Uses - Forest
Huge trend, especially in urban centers Small scale farms, in the middle of the city Highly Intensive Soil must be taken care of Agricultural Uses – Urban Agriculture
Parks, Ball Fields, Golf Courses, etc Turfgrass Management Natural Resources Hunting Fishing Non-Agricultural Uses - Recreation
Soil must support whatever we put on it Leaning Tower of Pisa Load-bearing Capacity Shrink-Swell Potential Non-Agricultural Uses - Construction
Landfills Environmental issue Soil used as a filter Leaching Non-Agricultural Uses – Waste Disposal
Land Use in the USA – 2007, Soil Science and Management
There are 8 Land Capability Classes as set by the NRCS I = least restricted VIII = most restricted Land Capability Classes
Can be: Cropped Pastured Managed for Woodlands and Wildlife Good water-holding capacity Relatively flat and well drained Best cropland Class I
Gentle Slopes (2%-6%) Moderate erosion hazards Shallow topsoil Slightly poor drainage Suitable for all uses Class II
Moderately steep slopes (6%-12%) High erosion hazards Poor drainage Very Shallow Topsoil Unstable Structure Special conservation methods are needed for growing crops Class III
Row crops cannot be grown Slopes (12%-18%) Cover crops are best Erosion controls MUST be practiced Class IV
Unsuitable for cultivation Can be used for range, pastureland, woodlands, recreation Limited by: flooding, rockiness, short growing season Class V
Same as Class V Steep slope (18%-30%) Class VI
Relatively unsuitable for production Preserved only for recreation, wildlife or beauty Examples: Sandy beaches, rock outcroppings, flooded river bottoms Class VII and Class VIII
What are the five soil forming factors, excluding humans? Exit Slip