Work Package 4 Task 4.3 Realising Large Area Detectors Kick-off meeting
Task duration – 36 months Partners involved: ESS, ILL The Task addresses Shortage of He3 Detectors for direct geometry neutron spectrometers Detectors for large-area options for other detectors Production capability Signal-to-background Optimization Multi-Grid detector B-10 based Multi-Grid detector, invented at ILL This work will build on the close collaboration since 2010, in particular within the CRISP FP7 grant to realise the possibility of such detectors for both ESS and the ILL 2 Description of Task 4.3
3 Previous Work – Detector construction Proto1 – 6 / 12 grids – Dec 2010 Proto2 – 96 grids – Jul 2011 Collaboration between ILL and ESS, CRISP project *A. Khaplanov et al., arXiv: (2012)*B. Guerard et al., NIMA, 720, (2013) *J. Correa et al., Trans. Nucl. Sc. (2013), *A. Khaplanov et al., JINST 8, P10025 (2013), arXiv: *A. Khaplanov et al., (2014) J. Phys.: Conf. Ser *A. Khaplanov et al., subm. JINST (2015), arXiv: *A. Khaplanov et al., accepted. JINST (2015), arXiv: IN5 demo – 1024 grids – Sep 2014 IN6 demo – 96 grids – Oct 2012
4 Previous Work – Boron Layer production Magnetron Sputtering Mass production Detailed Characterisation Linköping University and ESS 10 B 4 C production facility *C. Höglund et al, J. Appl. Phys. 111, (2012) *C. Höhlund, J. Appl. Phys. 117, (2015) *C. Höglund et al, Rad. Phys.Chem. Volume 113, (2015), *H. Pedersen et al, Chem. Vapor Deposition, 18(7-9), (2012)
5 WP4: Detectors and Moderators Objectives The technological evolution of neutron detectors in terms of resolution, intensity and dimensions. WP4 represents turning novel developments from TRL 3-5 in to TRL 8-9 by technical innovation during this key realisation phase. Tasks Task 4.1 Neutron detectors - The resolution challenge ESS, CERN, IEAP, MiUN Task 4.2 Neutron detectors - The intensity frontier ESS, BNC, LU Task 4.3 Realising large areas Detectors ESS, ILL Task 4.4 Detector Realisation ESS, LU Task 4.5 Moderator testing and development beamline BNC Deliverables 4.1 Integration plan for readoutM104.9Detector electronics chainM22 4.2Counting rate capabilityM Test for technology demonstrator M Natural and enriched Gadolinium convertors design M Standarised test procedures for performance of detectors for early ESS instruments M Report on the engineering design of BRR low dimensional moderator M Reflectometry detectorM Simulation and Generic multi-grid design M134.13Module for NMX detectorM35 4.6Detector characterisationM Large area detector spectrometry M Report on the conception design of the ESS an the BRR test beam-line M Final verification of BRR moderator M Monte Carlo simulations for early ESS instruments M21
6 WP4: Detectors and Moderators Objectives The technological evolution of neutron detectors in terms of resolution, intensity and dimensions. WP4 represents turning novel developments from TRL 3-5 in to TRL 8-9 by technical innovation during this key realisation phase. Tasks Task 4.1 Neutron detectors - The resolution challenge ESS, CERN, IEAP, MiUN Task 4.2 Neutron detectors - The intensity frontier ESS, BNC, LU Task 4.3 Realising large areas Detectors ESS, ILL Task 4.4 Detector Realisation ESS, LU Task 4.5 Moderator testing and development beamline BNC Deliverables 4.1 Integration plan for readoutM104.9Detector electronics chainM22 4.2Counting rate capabilityM Test for technology demonstrator M Natural and enriched Gadolinium convertors design M Standarised test procedures for performance of detectors for early ESS instruments M Report on the engineering design of BRR low dimensional moderator M Reflectometry detectorM Simulation and Generic multi-grid design M134.13Module for NMX detectorM35 4.6Detector characterisationM Large area detector spectrometry M Report on the conception design of the ESS an the BRR test beam-line M Final verification of BRR moderator M Monte Carlo simulations for early ESS instruments M21
Simulation report Generic multi- grid design report D4.5 Simulation and Generic multi-grid design ESS spectometer design report ILL spectrometer upgrade design report D4.10 Test for technology demonstrator D4.14 Large area detector spectrometry M4.2 Optimisation for bispectral instrument M4.3 General design for multi-grid M4.8 Instrument focused design M4.12 Technology demonstrator M4.19 2nd Detector construction Deliverables and Milestones 7
ESS Readout chain Optimisation for spallation sourse Demonstrator at spallation source Detector simulation Instrument simulation Design for bispectral spectrometer ILL Optimisation for reactor source Demonstrator at reactor source Design for ILL spectrometer upgrade Partners and Tasks 8 Both Partners General design for Multi-Grid Tests of demonstrators Signal-to-background
Representative: Anton Khaplanov Institute: ESS Position: Detector Scientist Role in the project: Task 4.3 coordinator Experience related to WP: 4.5 years work on B-10 detector technology, at ILL and ESS, within CRISP project Additional representatives: Richard Hall-Wilton (ESS), Bruno Guerard (ILL) 9 Contact Person
Thank You!