TRIPURA AT A GLANCE Geographical area Lakh hectares. Forest Area 62% TGA Gross Cropped Area 4.72 Lakh hectares Net cropped Area 2.55 Lakh hectares Cropping Intensity – 185 % Average Size of holding – 0.56 ha 96% farmers are small & marginal Agriculture is the state's dominant sector with a contribution of about 23 per cent to the Net State Domestic Product (NSDP). Contd… 3
Demographic Profile Population – Lakhs ST- 31 %, SC-17 % Decadal Growth Rate – % ( ) 14.75% ( ) Population Density – 350/ Sq Km Literacy Rate % (94 % Present) 4
Climate Climate of Tripura is Humid Sub-tropical Long Term Average (LTA) Annual Rainfall – 220 cm No. of Rainy days - 99 days Annual Rainfall Variability – 20% Percent rainfall received during : Pre monsoon period – 31% Monsoon Period- 60% Post Monsoon Period- 9% 5
FOOD GRAIN PRODUCTION SCENARIO IN TRIPURA Food grain Crops grown in Tripura - Rice, Maize, Wheat & pulses. Lakh MT 12.6 % (Initial yr of 11 th FYP ) Lakh MT. During food grain production was marginally increased but the productivity / ha increased to 2732 Kg with less area.
FOOD GRAIN PRODUCTION SCENARIO IN TRIPURA (contd) Rice is the main food grain crop in the state, its Occupies 95% of the Food grain area and contributes 98% of the total Food grain production in the state. Rice Production in was 7.19 Lakh MT which has increased 12.3% over ( initial year of 11 th FYP ) Rice productivity increased from 2532 kg/ha ( ) to 2822 kg/ha ( )
Year Food grain Area in Lakh Ha Food grain Production in Lakh MT Food grain Yield in Kg/Ha Area, Production & Yield of food Grain
Area Production and Yield of Rice Year Rice Area in Lakh Ha Rice Production in Lakh MT Rice Yield in Kg/Ha
Production Scenario of Rice & Food grain (in Lakh MT) Year Rice Foodgra Average last 5 years Higest in last 5 years % increase in Production in over average of 5 years 8.1%8.3% % increase in Production in over highest of last 5 years 0.1% % increase in Production over base year ( ) 12.3%12.6%
Productivity of Rice & Food grain (in Kg/ha) Year Rice Food grain Average last 5 years Higest in last 5 years % increase in Productivity in over average of 5 years 7.91%7.17% % increase in Productivity in over highest of last 5 years 4.5%4.3% % increase in Productivity in over base year ( ) 11.5%10.6%
Strategies adopted Productivity enhancement : Production of Quality Certified Paddy Seed (3200 mt) Promotion of SRI method of paddy cultivation SRR (Seed Replacement Rate)33% in paddy and Varietal replacement Promotion of Integrated Plant Nutrient Management ( Optimum use of Chemical & Bio-fertilizer, Micronutrient etc)
At present 37.2% of paddy area cultivated by SRI method which is contributing 42.1% production in total Rice Production in the State. On an average 18-25% more yield realized through SRI compare to Conventional method year % Area under SRI % SRI production to total Rice Production % yield increase in SRI over Conventional %15.9%25% %19.9%19% %29.3%18% %33.1%19% %38.9%19% %42.1%23% Performance of SRI
New Interventions (1) Crop Diversification in Seasonal Rice Fallow – Area Increase in Pulses, Oilseeds, vegetables & other Crops (73,000 ha) Sowing /Transplanting of Boro Paddy to be completed of Mid January. Application of Lime for amelioration of Acid Soils Productivity enhancement through adoption of Pulse Based Crop Rotation Mini Modern Rice Mill (2 ton/ hour) supported with 16 ton/ day capacity Par(tially) Boil(ing) unit in each Agri Subdivision to minimize milling loss
New Interventions (2) Popularization of rapid composting (45-60 Days) method at farm household level by using green biomass only. Tapping of Ground Water Potential – installation of (1081 no)mini deep tube well – to provide Irrigation facilities in 5,000 ha at farm household level Promotion of organic farming especially in Local aromatic Rice and Local aromatic Moong Convergence with IWMP and Forest for Efficient use of water area created- for promotion of Pulses and Oilseed cultivation Farm Mechanization
New Interventions (3) Introduction of Stress Tolerant varieties for Flood prone/ Flash flood areas. Release of IRRI Developed Paddy HYV – Short and Medium early duration varieties. ROFR Allotted Land in Agricultural production. WHD through MNREGA in the Farmers Field Production of Certified Pulses Seed –Moong, Lentil, Field Pea COMMUNITY TRANSPLANTING OF SRI PADDY TO REDUCE THE GAP IN TECHNOLOGY ADOPTION.
Crop Diversification - Seasonal Rice Fallow Seasons Existing Seasonal Fallow land (Hectares) Area proposed to be brought under cultivation (Hectares) Pre Kharif Fallow (April-June) Rabi Fallow (Dec- March) Grand Total Seasons Existing Seasonal Fallow land (Hectares) Area proposed to be brought under cultivation (Hectares) Pre Kharif Fallow (April-June) Rabi Fallow (Dec- March) Grand Total
Crop-wise - cropping programme - for crop diversification in fallow land
Crop Diversification : Year wise target(in Ha) Pre Kharif fallow Component1st Year2nd Year3rd Year4th Year Kharif Maize, Nutri Cereals (Kaon, Foxtail etc.), Vegetable type Soyabean, etc Kharif Pulses ( Arhar, Moong, Blackgram, Rajmash, etc.) Kharif Oilseeds (Sesamum, & Groundnut)
Crop Diversification : Year wise target(in Ha) Pre-Kharif fallow Component1st Year2nd Year3rd Year4th Year Fodder Summer Vegetables Root and Tuber Crops Spices and Condiments Total Pre-Kharif Fallow
Compone nt 1st Year2nd Year3rd Year4th Year Rabi Maize Rabi pulses- Lentil etc.) Boro Paddy Wheat Crop Diversification : Year wise target(in Ha) Rabi fallow
Component1st Year2nd Year3rd Year4th Year Rabi Oilseeds (Rape and Mustard, etc) Winter Vegetables Potato Flowers Total Rabi Fallow Total Seasonal Fallow for Crop Diversification Crop Diversification : Year wise target(in Ha) Rabi fallow
Present GAP - Requirement & Production of Pulses YearRequireme nt in MT Production in MT Shortfall in MT % Shortfall Base Year ( ) 66,6226,00560,61791% ,68435,23536,44951%
Area Proposed for Pulses Cultivation
Present GAP - Requirement & Production of Oilseed YearRequireme nt in MT Production in MT Shortfall in MT % Shortfall Base Year ( ) 1,63,9763,4931,60, % ,79,02922,4481,56, %
Area Proposed for oilseedCultivation Area of Oilseed Cultivation Existing / base area under Oilseed( ) 4661 Oilseed in current seasonal fallow RoFR Area (Sesamum & Gnut 3000 Shifting Agriculture ( Sesamum) 2500 Total12,45114,74117,03121,600
PRODUCTION TARGET : Crops Area in ‘000’ Ha Production in ‘000’ MT Productivity in Kg/ha Rice Maize Wheat Pulses Total Food grain
Deliverables in Total Food grain Requirement projected 9.05 lakh MT Total Food grain Production is Targeted 9.50 Lakh MT
ClassStatePercentage Low1,72, Marginal4,81, Adequate1,74, High1,40, Total9,68,751 Area in Ha
ClassStatePercentage Extremely acidic95, Very strongly acidic2,56, Strongly acidic5,16, Moderately acidic80, Slightly acidic19, Total9,68,751 Area in Ha