Early Industry and Inventions Chapter 11 Section 1
The Industrial Revolution After the War of 1812, America entered into a new kind of revolution. Late 18th century, factory machines started to replace hand tools. Large scale manufacturing was producing huge quantities of goods. Industrial Revolution: the economic changes when manufacturing replaced farming as the main form of work
Factories Rise Began in 1793 when Samuel Slater built the first spinning mill. Samuel Slater: builder of the first water-powered textile mill in America. Started in New England due to fast moving rivers, and labor force of tired farmers.
Factory System Factory System: method of production using many workers and machines in one building. Families of farmers migrated to crowded cities to work for wages. Their way of life changed...not always for the better!
Lowell Mills hire Women 1814, a textile mills took a leap forward. The factory was so successful that the Lowell mills was built. Lowell Mills: textile mills located in the factory town of Lowell, Massachusetts The Lowell mills caused many women to enter the workforce.
New Manufacturing Spreads 1797, Eli Whitney made 10,000 muskets for the army using interchangeable parts- parts that are exactly alike. Interchangeable parts speeded up production, made repairs easy, and allowed the use of less skilled workers.
Essential Questions Question: Describe how the Industrial Revolution changed the way Americans lived and worked. Answer: Some Americans left their farms and worked in factories. Many began using goods that were made at factories, rather than at home.
New Inventions Robert Fulton: inventor of America’s first widely successful steamboat. Peter Cooper: built America’s first successful steam- powered locomotive. Samuel F. B. Morse: inventor of the telegraph
Technology and Farming 1837, John Deere invented a lightweight plow that cut work in half Threshing Machine: a device that separates kernels of wheat from their husks Mechanical Reaper: a device that cuts grain. These inventions improved transportation, communication, and production
Essential Question Question: How did new inventions improve American life? Answer: The steamboat and locomotive speeded transportation; the telegraph improved communication; the threshing machine and mechanical reaper made farming more efficient