In the town of Trumpingfon stood a mill, owned and operated by a family of three; a greedy, thieving, cheating husband, a short, stubby, noble wife, and a beautiful young daughter. One day two boys came to the mill on horses as they needed their wheat ground. The miller, being the thief and trickster that he is, steals half the boy’s grain and sets on of their horses free. As John and Alan set to re-capture their missing horse, the miller used the stolen wheat to bake a meal for his family. Meanwhile the boys realize it has become too late to find lodging, thus they ask to stay with the miller and his family. Within the mill beds have been set up for the boys to sleep in. Meanwhile the miller and his wife have become intoxicated and passed out. With the miller and his wife passed out, Alan sees an opportunity to sleep with the miller’s daughter, and slips into bed with her.
The Miller The Wife The Daughter John Alan
Proud Puggish Greedy Hostile Always carried a knife in his belt Had the nickname Simpkin the Swagger Liked to steal and cheat
Noble Born Short Stubby She was together with the Miller most of the time
Beautiful Had long beautiful hair Had a fair (pretty) face
Came to the mill to get their grain milled Rode in on horses › Were wealthy? Lived at the college in Cambridge
What are the common themes? Why do the boys travel to the mill? What is the miller’s first trick? Why do they end up staying the night? Who does john accidentally crawl into bed with?