3. Create a visual representation of Brofenbrenner’s model using power point into which you can place your avatar. My Avatar “Sarah” The characteristics of my Avatar Sarah are: 13 year old Caucasian female. Physically disabled, blind. Living with both parents and 2 older sisters. Lives in the Eastern Suburbs. Enjoys playing the guitar and beep basketball. Intelligent, hard working and determined. Introverted and defensive. Catholic. Mainstream private schooling.
Microsystem The Microsystem is the innermost layer encompassing the maximum effect over the child or adolescent interpersonally reflecting the structures, interactions and relationships established. This system embodies the environmental elements, internally and externally, directly influencing and impacting on the developmental stages of a child or adolescence. The internal elements: Body, Brain and Biology, Cognitive System, Behaviour System and Social and Emotional . The external elements : Family, Schools, Child Care, Community and Neighbourhood, Church, Peer groups and Specific Cultures. My avatar Sarah is influenced by the Microsystem in the following ways: Family orientated, Sarah considers family a very important aspect in her life , reinforced through the value systems established through her religious upbringing. She is supported by the School Councillor to help enhance social skills. Sarah isn’t socially accepted at school and feels alienated due to her physical disability. Sarah finds social acceptance with her Beep Basketball team because they understand and can relate to her circumstances. Sarah receives classroom assistance with a teachers aide from RIDBC. She is involved in community recreational activities as well as youth group activities . She regularly attends Sunday Mass with her family. The neighbourhood is very mindful, approachable and aware of her physical disability adding to the supportive and encouraging environment that the family provides.
Mesosystem The Mesosystem encompasses the development and influences that juxtaposed between the structures established in the Microsystem, for example the relationship between teachers and parents. The more adaptable and diverse the link between the child or adolescences environment is to the level of involvement from parents, the stronger the influence will be on the social, physical and emotional developments. My avatar Sarah is influenced by the Mesosystem in the following ways: Sarah’s parents are actively involved in Sarah’s education, organising meetings with Sarah's teachers, teaching aide and Principle to ensure that her education is not placed at a disadvantage due to her physical disability. Sarah’s parents have a close relationship with the church, they have actively encouraged their children to participate in youth group activities, therefore establishing a relationship with the priest and the local community.
Excosystem The Excosystem includes elements that don’t essentially relate or directly influence the child or adolescent, however it still does impact both negatively and positively on the degree and level of development e.g parent participation in P&C meetings. This layer also intermingles and is connected with some of the elements outlined in the Microsystem. My avatar Sarah is influenced by the Excosystem in the following ways: Sarah’s parents regularly attend P&C meetings to be involved in the decision making processes of the school, this involvement can lead to improvements in the quality of the student’s environment. This also is an opportunity for Sarah's parents to raise awareness and understanding of disability issues that could be overlooked by other parents. Financially Sarah's family is financial stable, her mother works parttime while her father works full time. Sarah’s siblings are high achievers and are very studious which influences and encourages Sarah to academically strive to achieve her best. Sarah’s father is university educated and her mother completed secondary school and TAFE. Sarah and her sisters attend the same Catholic School, allowing their parents to have a closer rapport with the school administration and teaching staff, therefore leading to a greater understanding of the school’s system.
Macrosystem The Macrosystem is considered to be the furthest layer in the structure, directly reflecting the changes through evolution, hence influencing the ecosystem of human growth for example the attitude, customs and philosophy of the society, economic climate, political environment and technological advancements. The ideology defined by the Macrosystem has a continual cascading impact amongst the interactions of all other layers for example the cultural beliefs and value systems of the parents might influence the parenting styles implemented. My avatar Sarah is influenced by the Macrosystem in the following ways: Technological advancements have enhanced the learning process for Sarah thereby increasing her participation in class, her motivation levels and educational outcomes e.g. specialized Braille equipment. The economic recession has impacted on Sarah's family, hence decreasing the amount of money the family can spend on Sarah's specialized equipment. Societies perception and attitude towards people with physical disabilities is gradually changing due to increased understanding and knowledge. The Mass media’s portrayal of people with physically disabilities has influenced the way in which society reacts and responds to this group.
Chronosystem The Chronosystem is the layer that is linked to the involvement of environmental, historical and cultural events constructing new dimensions and conditions that influence the overall development of the child or adolescent. The dimensions of time are recognised and considered in this system as it interrelates with the child or adolescents environment, internally and externally. For example, internally the emotional and or physical developments during puberty or externally, a sibling being diagnosed with cancer. My avatar Sarah is influenced by the Macrosystem in the following ways: Puberty. The Paralympics has provided inspiration for people with physically disabilities like Sarah. The establishment of the Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children in 1860 has aided in promoting the welfare of Blind and Deaf children and their families. Increased support and recognition for tutors or consultants supporting people with disabilities.
Ecological Map Chronosystem Macrosystem Excosystem Mesosysetem Paralympics. Disability Consultants/Tutors. Technology developments. Puberty. RIDBC. Societies perception Extended family Parents knowledge of school. Mother works part time. Economic recession. Mass media Financially wealthy. Relationship with community, school, family, peers and church. Father works full time. Parental education. High achieving siblings. Microsystem P&C. Family orientated. Community and Neighbourhood. Peers. Teachers aid from RIDBC. Church. Catholic school. School councillor.