ITNP23 - Autumn 2014 Author.... ITNP 23 Foundations of Information Technologies Assignment 2014 Title slide
ITNP23 - Autumn 2014 Describe here the topic you are discussing. Introduce it to an audience of non-specialists. Give characterising details. 2 Statement of the Problem/Topic
ITNP23 - Autumn 2014 If relevant, provide here background knowledge - e.g. an overview of things needed to be known - and/or a review of the relevant state of the art, e.g. a summary of relevant similar proposed solutions,... Please only use 1 slide. If the slide is not applicable or appropriate simply leave it out. 3 Background/State of the Art
ITNP23 - Autumn 2014 These slides are the heart of the talk. Please do not use more than 4 slides. You will probably want to use all 4. In these slides you give your account of the topic. This is the part that is expected to include a technical content. (If really necessary you may use 6 slides - but you must observe the time limit) 4 Technical slides [up to 4 slides]
ITNP23 - Autumn 2014 Here you recap what you discussed, and if suitable discuss possible future developments. 5 Conclusions
ITNP23 - Autumn 2014 The list of cited sources. 6 References