What and why of ISO 9001 Adaptive Processes Consulting Experience World Class Processes! An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Company (c) Adaptive Processes1Experience World Class Processes!
2 Quotable quotes….. Learning is not compulsory. Neither is survival.- Edward Deming I do not know much about Quality, but I am sure of one thing, if Quality is good, Customers come back, else products come back. – Margaret Thatcher Quality is never an accident: it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution. It represents the wise choice of many alternatives. -William A Foster Losing market share, losing confidence of customers, or going out of business are not punishments of God – they are usually the results of an inability to change and improve the way things get done. (c) Adaptive Processes
Experience World Class Processes!3 Business Scenario Competitive than ever beforeInnovations at break neck speed Demand for high Quality personnel increasing day by day Shorter time to market Success lies in being an “And” company rather than “Or” company (c) Adaptive Processes
Imperatives for Business Success Consistently meet customer requirements Improve productivity Be innovative Business Success 4 Be aware and alert Adhere to security standards and policies Protect business Experience World Class Processes!(c) Adaptive Processes
5 4 Pillars of business Experience World Class Processes!(c) Adaptive Processes People Partners Technology Process
What and why of processes? Series of activities done in a coordinated manner to achieve desired results Deliver quality consistently Improve productivity Reduce risks of project/ process failure 6Experience World Class Processes!(c) Adaptive Processes
Do CheckAct Plan Modern systems thinking Prevention is better than cure Quality is built in, not inspected in Systems view – 80% of your problems are because of the system, not people Plan – Do – Check – Act Principle for continual improvement 7Experience World Class Processes!(c) Adaptive Processes
Experience World Class Processes!8 ISO 9001 Standard World’s most widely adopted standard Specifies requirements for a quality management system Organization that need to demonstrate its ability to consistently provide product that meets customer and applicable regulatory requirements (c) Adaptive Processes
Experience World Class Processes!9 Purpose and Applicability of ISO 9001 Aims to enhance customer satisfaction through effective application of the system, including processes for continual improvement of the system and the assurance of conformity to customer and applicable regulatory requirements. All requirements of the standard are generic and are intended to be applicable to all organizations, regardless of type, size, product or service provided. (c) Adaptive Processes
Experience World Class Processes!10 ISO 9001 process approach Continual Improvement of the Quality Management System Resource Management Measurement, Analysis, Improvement Customer Requirements Management Responsibility Product Realization Product Inputs Outputs Customer Satisfaction (c) Adaptive Processes
Benefits and limitations of ISO 9001 Benefits –World wide acceptance –Consistency in processes –Metrics focus –Moderate implementation difficulty –Annual periodic audits –Most other ISO frameworks share some similarity with ISO 9001 –Shorter time to implement Limitations –Does not carry significant marketing muscle as a large # of companies are already certified –Quality of external audits are a suspect Experience World Class Processes!11(c) Adaptive Processes