Jennifer Starkey & Jen Black 2013
Edmodo Code uojdeb
What is Scratch? Simplified programming language Create interactive stories, animations, games, music, and art Share your creations on the web.
What does it teach? 21 st Century Skills Ways of Thinking Creativity Critical thinking Problem-solving Decision-making Learning
What does it teach? 21 st Century Skills Tools for Working Information Communications technology (ICT) Information literacy
What does it teach? 21 st Century Skills Ways of Working Communication Collaboration Cooperation Compromise
What does it teach? 21 st Century Skills Skills for Living in the World. Citizenship Life and career Personal and social responsibility
Getting Started with Scratch Download Scratch Software
Download Scratch
Scratch Resources
Scratch in the Classroom Create a single log-in for the entire class…. or Students create their own..
Scratch in the Classroom