History Frameworks & Libraries Object-Oriented PHP Advance Techniques & Classes Future Demo Questions?
Rasmus Lerdorf CGI Scripts in Perl Rewritten in C for better performance PHP/FI & PHPTools 1995 Release date
Andi Gutmans & Zeev Suraski 1997 PHP 3 1999 Zend Engine 2000 PHP 4
Yii CodeIgniter CakePHP Zend Symfony
course/ course/
Pear › PHP Extension and Application Repository › › Web forms, form validation, xml parsers cURL › Client URLs › libcurl ( › http, https, ftp, telnet, ldap
Variable declaration Object Cloning User-Level Overloading Typecasting
Constants Define Global
1x4d0ea 1x4d0ea
__get() › Utilized for reading data from inaccessible properties __set() › Utilized for writing data to inaccessible properties __call() __callStatic() __construct() __destruct() rloading.php rloading.php
settype() gettype()
PHP CLI SSH Mail Sessions & Cookies
#!/usr/bin/php Scheduled/ing tasks Multithreading Stdin, Stdout, stderr
ssh2_connect() ssh2_execute() ssh2_fingerprint() ssh2_auth_password(), pubkey_file(), none() ssh2_tunnel() ssh2_mkdir(), rmdir(), chmod(), unlink()
qyssdaw qyssdaw
mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers) $to -> $subject -> ‘Subject’ $message -> ‘Message body’ $headers -> From, BCC, CC, Reply-To
start_session() session_destroy() $_SESSION[]
setcookie( name -> name of the cookie value -> value of cookie ($_COOKIE[‘name’]) expire -> when cookie expires (time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30) path -> path of where the cookie is available domain -> The domain that the cookie is available to secure -> true or false for https httponly -> When true the cookie can only be accessed and used through http )
Oracle MySQL SQLite MS SQL More…
PDO -> PHP Data Object › Data-access abstraction layer ›
PHP 6 › Unicode support › Enhanced array indexing › Performance › Break to labels