Components of Spreadsheets Computer Applications 1 Obj. 4.01: Understand spreadsheets used in business
Designing a Spreadsheet Workbook-a file containing one or more spreadsheets WHAT IS A SPREADSHEET (or worksheet)? An arrangement of cells in columns and rows used to organize, analyze, calculate and report information, usually in numerical form –Rows and columns of data and formulas Cell - Intersection of a row and column ABCD 1 2*CELL 3 ROWS (horizontal) COLUMNS (vertical) * CELL ADDRESS = B2
Cells Individual locations on a spreadsheet –Cell Address: Cell A4 refers to one specific location –Cell Range: A4:A16 refers to a group of adjacent cells –Column A refers to all of the contents in a vertical range of cells in the first column –Row 3 refers to all of the contents in a horizontal range of cells on Row 3 –’All Years’!A6:E116 refers to a range of cells in a specific spreadsheet
Cell Data Classified according to its intended purpose –Label classification Used for cells that contain text or for numbers that will not be used in calculations –Social security number is data, that although it contains numbers, is treated as a label because its purpose is to identify, not calculate –An apostrophe (‘) before cell data that begins with numbers indicates that the data should be treated as a label –Value classification Indicates that the data has the potential to be used in calculations –Dates –Times –Percentages –Formula instructs the software to perform a calculation formulas begin with equals sign (=) or plus sign (+) This tells the software that the data will be used in a calculations
Data Types Label Value Formula
Using Formulas FORMULA ~ A sequence of values, cell references, names, functions, or operators in a cell that together produce a new value. A formula always begins with an equal sign (=).
Basic Spreadsheet Formulas Addition (+)=B7+C7 Subtraction (-)=B7-C7 Multiplication (*)=B7*C7 Division (/)=B7/C7 Formulas are used for simple mathematical calculations
Operations Calculations are performed according to the Order of Operations –Parentheses –Exponents –Multiplication and Division (from left to right) –Addition and Subtraction (from left to right) =5+2*3 results is 11 because the multiplication operation is performed first and then added to the numbers –To change the order of operations, place parenthesis around the part of the formula to be calculated first =(5+2)*3 results in 21
Viewing Formulas Formulas can be views and printed Use CTRL and ~ to change to formula view
Using Functions FUNCTION ~ P redefined formulas that perform calculations by using specific values, called arguments, in a particular order, or structure. Functions can be used to perform simple or complex calculations.
USING FUNCTIONS Sum ~ The sum of the values. This is the default function for numeric data. =Sum(C4:C18) Average ~ The average of the values. =Average(C4:C18) Count ~ The number of data values. The Count summary function works the same as the COUNTA worksheet function. Count is the default function for data other than numbers. =Count(C4:C18) Max ~ The largest value. =Max(C4: C18) Min ~ The smallest value. =Min(C4:C18)
Components of a Function Cell reference: indicates a cell’s location and provides instructions for how cell data is copied or used in calculations –Relative Reference –Absolute Cell Reference –Mixed Cell Reference –Parenthesis-controls order of operations –Conditions or criteria-tell the function how to calculate the results and what data to use
Relative References Relative References: Cell references that change relative to their new location when a formula is copied. The formula in cell B4 is relative, it adjusts to calculate the average for the student in Row 3 when copied into Cell C4.
Absolute References Absolute reference: a reference to a particular cell or group of cells that does not change even if you copy the contents or formula to another cell. An absolute cell reference is identified by placing a $ in front of the row or column location.
Absolute Cell Reference: Cell B13, the total goals scored, remains unchanged as the formula calculates the goal percentage for each player.
Mixed Cell References Mixed references: cell references that contain relative and absolute values Example: =A2+$B$10