Fallacies of Argument AKA Logical Fallacies
What is a Fallacy? Overview of Fallacies A mistaken belief based on unsound arguments
Oversimplification An argument that implies that there is a single or simple solution to a complicated problem Simpsons Coke Ad
Red Herrings Have no relevant relationship to the argument at hand. Biden vs. Palin
Scare Tactics When fear, not based on evidence or reason, is being used as the primary motivator to get others to accept an idea, proposition, or conclusion. Allstate
Bandwagon (Ad Populum) Everyone is doing it, so you should too. Coke Commercial
False Authority Because a person is an authority in one field, it is presumed that s/he is an authority in an unrelated field. Sony Video Cameras
Ad Hominem Attacking the character of the opponent rather than the argument itself. SNL Point/Counterpoint
Hasty Generalization A conclusion to an argument that is too quick and does not have sufficient evidence to back it up. Taco Bell commercial
Faulty Causality (Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc) After this, therefore also this One thing does not always logically follow another. “If I change my socks my favorite team will lose the championships.” Number 9
Circular Logic An argument that goes around the answer without really answering it. Seinfeld
Slippery Slope (write this in your packet) Suggestion that one step will lead to a series of steps, each more negative than the last. If You Give a Mouse a Cookie Direct TV Commercial
Straw Man The use of oversimplification to call attention away from the real issues. McDonald's for Lunch