Using Microsoft® Excel This presentation is designed for Chapter 1, Section 1.2
Formulas and Functions Start Microsoft® Excel. Type data into cells as shown below.
Calculating PERCENT Select cell D1. Type the formula: =B2/C2*100. Press Enter.
Copying the Formula I Click and drag the heavy dot in the lower right hand corner of cell D2. Drag downwards to fill cells D3 to D10.
Copying the Formula II Release the mouse button to calculate the PERCENT.
Inserting a Function I Click on cell B12. Pull down the Insert menu. Select Function.
Inserting a Function II Scroll down and select the SUM function. Click OK.
Inserting a Function III Type the range B2:B10 beside Number1. Click OK.
Inserting a Function IV Note that the sum of the marks has been calculated and inserted in cell B12.
Copying the Function Drag the lower right hand corner of cell B12 to copy the function to cell C12.
Calculating the Midterm Mark Click on cell D12. Type the formula: =B12/C12*100. Press Enter. Note the midterm mark in cell D12.
Cell References I In the previous example, you copied formulas, such as the one in B12 to C12. Note that the cell reference B2:B10 was changed to C2:C10 for the formula in C12. This is called relative cell referencing.
Cell References II Sometimes you will want to keep a cell reference the same as you copy. An example is an interest rate in a compound interest table. In this example, the interest rate is in cell B1. To keep the reference absolute, use a $ sign before both the row and column references when you enter the formula =B5*(1+$B$1/100) in cell B6. As you copy this formula down column B, the reference to $B$1 will remain constant.
Using the Fill Feature I You can also use the Fill feature under the Edit menu to copy functions and formulas. To see how this works, start a new sheet and enter the following data into columns E and F.
Using the Fill Feature II Click on cell E2. Drag to highlight cells E2 to E16.
Using the Fill Feature III Pull down the Edit menu, select Fill, and then Series.
Using the Fill Feature IV Notice that you can change some parameters. For now, just click on OK.
Using the Fill Feature V Notice that the series is automatically filled with the numbers from 1 to 15.
Using the Fill Feature VI Enter the formula =1.8*E2+32 in cell F2. Click and drag to highlight cells F2 to F16.
Using the Fill Feature VII Pull down the Edit menu. Select Fill and then Down.
Using the Fill Feature VIII Notice that the formula has been copied through cell F16.
Charting I A spreadsheet can be used to draw charts and graphs. To see how this works, start a new sheet and enter the following data:
Charting II Click and drag to highlight cells G1 to G7.
Charting III Click on the Chart Icon. Select the Column Chart. Press Next.
Charting IV Click on the Series tab. Click on the red arrow to the right of Category (X) axis labels.
Charting V Click and drag to highlight cells A1 to A7. Press Enter.
Charting VI Notice that the team names have been added. Press Next.
Charting VII At this point you can add or modify the Chart title and the labels for the X and Y axes.
Charting VIII Press Next and then Finish to obtain the final Chart.
Sorting I A spreadsheet can be used to sort data. To see how this works, click and drag to highlight the data.
Sorting II Pull down the Data menu and select Sort.
Sorting III Use the pull-downs and radio buttons to set up the sort parameters as shown. Then, press OK.
Sorting IV Notice the three-stage sort that has been performed on the data.
Search I A spreadsheet can find data using the Find feature in the Edit pull-down menu. It can also replace data using the Replace feature in the Edit pull-down menu.
Search II Suppose we want to replace all of the 5s in the previous spreadsheet with 6s. Pull down the Edit menu and select Replace. In the Find what box, type 5. In the Replace with box, type 6. Choose Replace All.
Search III Notice that all of the 5s have been replaced with 6s.
Filtered Search I A spreadsheet can be used to filter data. For example, suppose that we want to select only those teams with less than 16 points. Click and drag to highlight the data from cell A1 to cell G7. Pull down the Data menu. Select Filter and then AutoFilter.
Filtered Search II Pull down the menu in the POINTS column. Select Custom.
Filtered Search III Adjust the filtering parameters as shown below. Press OK.
Filtered Search IV Notice that the data have now been filtered according to the desired parameters.
Adding and Referencing Worksheets I You can have several worksheets within a file. Data on one sheet can contain a reference to data on another. Sheets are selected using the tabs at the bottom of the screen.
Adding and Referencing Worksheets II To see how this works, hold down the Control (CTRL) key while you click and drag to highlight the TEAM, GF, and GA columns. Pull down the Edit menu and select Copy.
Adding and Referencing Worksheets III Click on Sheet2. Pull down the Edit menu and select Paste Special. Click on Paste Link.
Adding and Referencing Worksheets IV Click on cell B2. Notice that it contains a reference to cell E2 on Sheet1. If you change cell E2 on Sheet1, then cell B2 on Sheet2 will also change. If you change cell B2 on Sheet2, cell E2 on Sheet1 will not change.
Adding and Referencing Worksheets V You can manipulate the data on Sheet2 without affecting Sheet1. To see how this works, select Sheet2. Click and drag to select the data from cell A1 to cell C7. Pull down the Data menu and select Sort. Set the sort parameters as shown at the right. Then, click OK.
Adding and Referencing Worksheets VI Notice that Sheet2 is now sorted. However….
Adding and Referencing Worksheets VII...Sheet1 is not.
The End This concludes the tutorial presentation on using Microsoft® Excel.