Chapter 9 Similarities and Differences
Strategies to Practice Student’s Learning Once students acquired and integrated new skills knowledge, students need time to practice what this new learning so they can make it permanent. In this way they can eliminate errors. These skills can be applied by giving them a project. Chapter 9 focuses on asking students to identify similarities and differences in what they are learning. In this way they will make: New connections…experience fresh insights…correct misconceptions
Recommendations Use comparing, classifying, metaphors, and analogies when identifying similarities and differences Give a model of the steps for engaging in the process Use a familiar context to teach students these steps Use graphic organizers as a visual tool Guide students as they engage in the process (gradually give less structure and less guidance)
Word Processing Applications Use Graphic Organizers with Inspiration, Kidspiration or Microsoft Office Word Drawing Toolbar With these you can draw diagrams, charts, or other templates to compare and classify AUTOSHAPES provides lines, shapes, connectors and Venn Diagrams (found by clicking Diagram under Insert menu)
Spreadsheet Software Use spreadsheet software to show the comparison of data. For example you can enter a formula in the formula bar and spreadsheet will automatically calculate and it can be turned into a comparison chart. Chapter 9 gives steps on how to create spreadsheets.
Organizing and Brainstorming Software Used to Compare and show similarities and differences Kidspiration Inspiration Venn Diagrams
Data Collection Tools Spreadsheet Software Organizer Templates Charts Diagrams Can be used in all subject areas.