Parenting Child Development 8 Activity Assignments (including Pop Quiz) Due: Directions: Complete the following assignments in any order you wish, as long as they are completed by the due date! Please don’t hesitate to ask me questions. PCD is a mnemonic for parenting and child development
I need 10 volunteers You will be selecting a slip of paper with directions with what to do!
What is a mnemonic? –Learning aid –Special word used to help a person remember something
PLACES mnemonic Using construction paper, write each development Beside the word (or below) list examples of how that type of development is supported by play. –Be prepared to support your answers. –Use notes or textbook Ch. 11 to help you with an example. Types of development supported by play Physical Language Approaches to learning Cognitive Emotional Social
PLAY COLLAGE Find 1 picture for each type of play using magazine’s. Label Construction paper –PLAY COLLAGE Glue to construction paper and label each picture with the coordinating play. –Solitary play Babies play using their senses without engaging others –Parallel play Children play in close proximity without interacting –Cooperative play Children learn to play together, give-and-take, share, take turns –Imitative play Children pretend to be objects/persons other than themselves
Scrapbook 1.Gather a collection of pictures (5) from magazines of toddlers expressing a variety of emotions. 2.Glue the pictures onto construction paper. 3.Create a scripted dialog under the pictures to identify and explain the emotions shown. 4.Include suggestions for a response from caregiver to child to deal with the emotion. “Santa, I would LOVE a baby doll, pocketbook, coloring book, and IPod for Christmas this year!!!” “Ho! Ho! Ho! What would you like for Christmas this year, little girl?” Example
Social Development Hat You will be given a foldable to use. DO NOT fold the foldable until you have wrote your information first. Use the textbook to compare the social development of a 1, 2, & 3 year old. Write the social development characteristics in each age-appropriate section. Use as a study guide. See example on next slide.
Cut the slit on the straight line and then cut the tab on the other side. When you roll the hat, put the tab in the slit and tape.
TEST REVIEW Textbook, The Developing Child Chapter 11
Key terms –Fill in the blanks using word bank, textbook, notes. –Turn in when complete
Quotes about Children’s Play handout Directions: Interpret the meanings of these quotes about play. Write an interpretation of each quote in your own words on the lines below the quote. In the callout at the bottom write your own play quote. –We did the front page of the handout together Socialization of Toddlers
You’re invited to… What? –POP QUIZ When? Why? –So I can see if you are studying! How many? –3 questions