Bell Work Instructions A) First go get your clicker B) Next put away all books, agendas, notebooks, & study guides C) Then take out a clean sheet of paper. D) Write your heading in the top/right corner E) Centered on the top line, write this title: Title: Quiz-Biodiversity F) Number from 1 to 5 (skip a space after every 3 rd number) G) Go pick up a copy of the quiz from the front of the room on the plastic drawers H) Start working when the bell rings When you finish clicking in your answers: Put up your clicker and turn in the papers t When you finish, turn in your paper at work station one… Then complete page 35: 1 to 11 Oct 22, 2014 SPI Fossils Instructions 1) First click on "View" from the top-menu bar. 2) Then click on "Slide Show" from the drop-down menu. 3) Then use the right-arrow button on your keyboard to advance through this presentation.
Plan 1) Complete biodiversity quiz, 2) Discuss contest, & tally results 3) Knight Time Invite 4) Ask about birthdays 5) View and discuss notes about fossils 6) Complete fossil study guide 7) (Time Permitting) Watch Brainpop video Homework: Copy into your agenda Study for quiz Science SPI Fossils
Tennessee SPI Objective: Compare fossils found in sedimentary rock to determine their relative age. Notes Science Essential Learning Students will examine the law of superposition in sedimentary rock formation, how fossils are formed, and how relative ages are determined. Essential Question(s) How is sedimentary rock formed, how are fossils formed, and how is relative age determined? SPI Fossils
Notes SPI Fossils What Are Fossils? Fossils are the preserved physical remains of deceased organisms that are at least 10,000 years old NOTE: Most organisms DO NOT become fossils after death NOTE: The formation of fossils is a RARE event How Are Fossils Formed? Watch this amusing video: Link: Video: How Fossils Are MadeVideo: How Fossils Are Made Science Primate Fossil: 47 million years old Whale Fossil: 25 million years old
How is Sedimentary Rock Formed? Sediment refers to particles of dirt, rock, and debris suspended in liquid. Sedimentary rock is formed from this. Example: Muddy water is brown because dirt particles are in it Sedimentary Process and Fossils: A) Erosion and weathering breaks off small particles of dirt and rock which are washed away. B) These particles accumulate somewhere else into layers. C) Deceased organisms sometimes accumulate in these layers D) Under certain rare conditions, these organisms become fossils E) Over time layers pile up on top of pre-existing layers Formation of Sedimentary Rock Watch this: Link: Video-How Sedimentary Rock FormsVideo-How Sedimentary Rock Forms Watch this: Link: Video-Sedimentary Rock FormationVideo-Sedimentary Rock Formation Notes SPI Fossils Science
Sedimentary rock and fossils deeper layers are older than layers above it because deeper layers accumulated before later layers. Example: See 3 layers below…Layer A, Layer B, and Layer C Layer C is older than layer B. So fossils in deeper layers are older than fossils above it. Layer A Layer B Layer C B is older than A This is called the law of superposition So fossil one is older than fossil two
Here is an example of a question you might see on a quiz or test. Questions Science Fossil-Question SPI Fossils
Here is an example of a question you might see on a quiz or test. Questions Science Fossil-Question SPI Fossils
Here is an example of a question you might see on a quiz or test. Questions Science Fossil-Question SPI Fossils
Here is an example of a question you might see on a quiz or test. Fossil-Question
Here is an example of a question you might see on a quiz or test. Questions Science Fossil-Question SPI Fossils