VENUS Ryan Diaz Nathalie Ramirez This picture shows that Venus has a lot of mountains and volcanoes.
History Known by the ancients. Venus was the Roman Goddess of love and beauty. In Greek, her name was Aphrodite.
Solar System Venus is the 2 nd closest planet from the sun. It is 67 million miles from the sun. It takes 225 Earth days to take a trip around the sun. One day is 243 Earth days.
Planet appearance Venus is a reddish brownish yellowish color. It is very hot and deadly. There are volcanoes and mountains.
Exploration The Mariner2 brought information that stated it was 800 degrees Fahrenheit. The Mariner2 visited Venus on December 14,1962. But now it is 900 degrees Fahrenheit. It also found out that it was a world with carbon dioxide and a cloud covered atmosphere.
Interesting Facts Venus is considered Earth’s sister planet. Venus was around for about 4 billion years. It is also one of the brightest objects in the sky. Robert Richardson noticed Venus spinning backwards. Venus can cook a meal in a few minutes.