Bellwork Week 11
Management Monday - Fill out your agenda
Book Talk Tuesday
Mug Shot Wednesday Suffixes are word endings that add a certain meaning to the word. Number your paper 1-5. Read each suffix and the meaning. Create a new word by matching the correct root word to the suffix. Root Words Suffix Meaning 1.teach -ful full of 2.danger -ment state of 3.wonder -er doer 4.happy -ous full of 5.govern -ness state of being Examples: beautiful, encouragement, worker, famous, sadness
Think it through Thursday Words with Suffixes Suffixes are word endings that add a certain meaning to the word Suffix Meaning Suffix Meaning 1.-er doer 5. -ful full of 2.-able able to 6. -ly or -y like 3.-ousfull of 7. -ment state of 4.-nessstate of being Form a Word - Suffixes Number your paper 1-7. Read each suffix and the meaning, write a word that contains the suffix. Then, write a sentence using each new word correctly.
Free Write Friday Think about Melody’s character. In spite of serious disabilities and challenges, what do you think you can learn from Melody’s life?