Don’t get stressed with stress Phonetics Don’t get stressed with stress
Weak forms – strong forms Function words: personal pronouns, possessive determines, articles, indefinite pronouns, auxiliary verbs, prepositions, conjunctions Strong: stressed for significance, said on its own, at the end of a sentence Examples: I can come after all Who’s it for? – You. He was there, but she wasn’t.
Weak forms – strong forms
Prominent function words Contrast I’ll leave it on the table. – No, put it under the table Last function word There was nothing I could do. Auxiliaries: negative forms (I can’t wait), special emphasis (I should have left earlier, We did warn you), contradictions (You haven’t done that. – I have done it), time contrasts (It was there, but it isn’t there now.)
Exercise – from strong to weak
Syllabic consonants Always possible to pronounce /ə/, but usually syllabic consonant more natural/fluent Syllabic /l/ usually after: /t/, /d/, /p/, /b/, /s/, /z/, /k/, /n/ Syllabic /n/ usually after: /t/, /d/, /p/, /s/, /z/, /f/, /v/, /θ/, /ʃ/, /ʒ/ -sm > usually syllabic /m/ Contracted forms of verbs (didn’t, haven’t shouldn’t, wouldn’t, etc.) > usually syllabic /n/
Syllabic consonants
Suffixes and word stress What is a suffix? Some suffixes change the stress in a word
Suffixes and word stress What is a suffix? From: Some suffixes change the stress in a word
Suffixes and word stress The stress doesn’t normally change before: -able, -age, -al, -er, -ful, -less, -ness, -ous, -fy, -ative. Exceptions: admire – admirable / prefer – preferable / medicine – medicinal / agriculture - agricultural Stress normally changes before; -ious, -ulous, -eous, -ial, -ic, -ion, -ive, -ity. Examples: miracle – miraculous / mystery – mysterious / outrage – outrageous / instinct - instinctive Some suffixes have main stress themselves: -ee, -eer, -ese, -ette. Examples: absentee / engineer / Japanese / diskette
Suffixes – other changes Change in vowel pronunciation Example: extreme /i:/ - extermity /e/ Change in consonant pronunciation Example: ignite /aɪt/ - ignition /ɪʃ/, produce /u:s/ - production /ʌk/ Change in pronunciation and spelling Example: divide /aɪd/ – division /ɪʒ/, apply /aɪ/ - applicable /ɪ/
Next time… Prefixes and stress