Welcome! Please get out a pen or pencil. Today, we’ll be doing three things: – Taking notes on the last set of Roots (quiz next week!) – Playing Bingo – Learning about 8 th grade Classes for next year
Roots, Group 3 Base roots, Prefixes, and Suffixes
Regular Essential Roots: BASE ROOTS: 1.anthropo =human 2.micro =small, tiny 3.scope =see, watch 4.sens / sent =feeling, awareness PREFIX (word beginning): 5.ab- = away from
Regular Advanced Roots: 1.phil =brotherly love, caring 2.amo / amor =romantic love 3.mono =one, first 4.hemo =blood 5.auto =self
Honors Essential Roots: 1.micro =small, tiny 2.macro = large 3.port =carry 4.mono =one, first 5.scope =see, watch 6.voc =speak, voice
Honors Essential Prefixes and Suffixes: PREFIXES (word beginnings) 1.ad- =toward, to 2.pro- =toward, in favor of 3.trans- =across SUFFIX (word ending) 4.-ize =to make (verb)
Honors Advanced Roots: BASE ROOTS path / pathy=feeling (…can also mean disease) biblio =book phobia =fear PREFIXES epi- =close to, after tele- =over a distance anti- =against dis- =not sym- / syn - =with, together SUFFIXES -ible / -able =worth, ability (adjective) -age =the result of something (noun)