DATABASE FOR MARKING AND SUPERVISORY STAFF. The preparation of complete database is under progress which will contain i. Full particulars with photographs of Marking and Supervisory Staff. ii. Online verification for appointment of Marking, Supervisory Staff and Mobile inspectors during the conduct of examinations. iii. The software will be completed within six months iv. This will facilitate the supervisory staff to get information about their duties of the Board. v. This will enable the Board Authority/Concerned branch to verify the Bio-Data of supervisory staff and also the past performance of the concerned. 1
All examination duties of supervisory staff will be assigned through software. The task will be completed in six months. Duty could be assigned by routine policy & keeping in view the past performance/ neat & clean past record. 2
Preparation of automation system is for online correspondence/communication with Heads of Institutions to save time and expenditure incurred on postal mails. This task will be completed in one and half year. 3
Software will be developed for tracking of files (diary system) for internal use of the Board as well as for online facilitation of applicants to know the status of their applications/requests. This task will be completed in one year. 4 ONLINE LINK WITH DEALING BANKS. All dealing banks will be interlinked with Board through computerized system for the provision of head wise transactions/deposits of the Board. This task will be completed in one year.
A software will be developed for monitoring of online record of marked/unmarked answer sheets and Marking Staff for all marking centres within the jurisdiction of Board for internal use of Board. This will take time of two years. 5
A software will be developed for online provision of Board’s Calendar, proceedings of meetings of Governing Body of Board and latest decision for the help/awareness of concerned. This will take one year. 6 COMPUTERIZED INVENTORY CONTROL SYSTEM FOR STORE BRANCH. Complete inventory system will be developed to maintain record of all purchases made by store branch, issuance of items to branches and complete record of stock. The system will be prepared within a year.