“Inclusion, Cohesion and Accountability” in Education: Afghanistan Building a Foundation for the Future
Achievement since 2001 The highest enrollment in the history of Afghanistan (4.2 million students in Grades 1-12) One-third is girls. Commitment and enthusiasm for education demonstrated by students, teachers and communities New curriculum framework developed, and new textbooks are being developed. Various teacher training activities are underway Approximately 7,400 government schools operating (80% of them requiring repair or major rehabilitation).
Enrollment Growth: (Grades 1-12 Total)
Enrollment by Grade 2003 (grades 1-12)
Progress towards Millennium Development Goals
Key Issues Poor quality of education (lack of learning space, trained teachers, teaching-learning materials, etc.) Gender disparity Urban-rural disparity Unclear accountability structure, limited capacity of the Ministry, Provincial and District Education Departments Reservation about the value of education in some provinces Lack of reliable data for policy formulation and planning purposes
Vision of Education in Afghanistan To provide good quality education for all regardless of gender, ethnicity, language, religion, ideology and geographical location (inclusion) To provide opportunities for secondary and tertiary education of international standard to build skilled human resources to meet development and reconstruction objectives To create a foundation for peace, national unity (cohesion) and economic growth
Strategies Broad-based participation of all levels of government (center, province, district and at school-level) to take responsibility for planning and implementation of education services. (Inclusion, Accountability) Strengthening school-based management and the role of communities (Inclusion, Accountability) Partnerships with NGOs, the private sector and local contractors for education service delivery
Transition from Emergency to Reconstruction and Development Balancing act of responding to immediate needs and considering long-term implications Investment in capacity building while making things happen on the ground quickly Need to build an accountability system from the beginning Great opportunity to re-establish an inclusive and cohesive society