Once upon a time, a little mouse named Angelina was helping her mother while her brothers Octavian and Deshan were playing in the backyard with their step father Tyrone.
Just when my mother wasn’t looking, I was kidnapped! A little boy took me from my mushroom home. He was mean. He took my brothers before and I won’t let that happen again! I miss them a lot. During that time I saw something never seen in the city, a tiger! She wanted to help me though. Before she could the little boy came back and put me in a cage on his shelf. After he left, my family came to save me. I was so happy!
I had to ask my friend Princess to help them get me out. She accepted. After that, the little boy came back but we got away. When I got home, I asked Princess if she wanted to be in the family. She accepted that too because she had no family to love. So then we lived happily ever after, The End